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Text File | 1999-05-14 | 128.0 KB | 5,171 lines |
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- v$="$VER: StatsFuncs 2.0 (24.4.1999) James L Boyd "
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .Info
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Quick Usage :
- ; -------------
- ; IMPORTANT!!! Put Blitzlibs:Amigalibs.res into the "Compiler
- ; Options" window's Resident box before trying any demos!!!
- ; 1) Each call has a demonstration underneath it.
- ; 2) Remember, the function/statement names are case-sensitive.
- ; --------------
- ; 3) Also, a lot of these require you to have the resident
- ; file "blitzlibs:amigalibs.res" present. If you don't know
- ; what this means : Go to the "Compiler" menu, select
- ; "Compiler Options...", and type (without the quotes) :
- ; "blitzlibs:amigalibs.res" in the box underneath the
- ; "Resident" label. That's it.
- ; 4) Some of them require a currently used screen, or window.
- ; 5) I've grouped them according to the context I think they're
- ; most likely to be used in. You will probably find some that
- ; you think should be in a different section than they're
- ; currently in, but we could argue about that all day ;)
- ; So don't bother telling me :D
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Testing the routines :
- ; ----------------------
- ; You can test each function or statement by uncommenting the
- ; function/statement demo you want to try, ONE AT A TIME (you
- ; MUST re-comment each one before testing another! - unless
- ; you know what you're doing).
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; General Information :
- ; ---------------------
- ; This set of statements and functions for Blitz Basic 2
- ; was compiled by James L Boyd, though many of the routines
- ; were supplied by others.
- ; Any comments, contributions or bug-fixes to :
- ; jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; More information :
- ; ------------------
- ; These routines were written for a few reasons :
- ; 1) They often result in savings on executable file size,
- ; sometimes quite significantly (not always though ;)
- ; 2) Some of these routines are not available in any
- ; Blitz or 3rd party libraries.
- ; 3) Some of the routines are bugfixed versions of
- ; existing Blitz/3rd party library routines.
- ; 4) You don't have to use them as statements or functions,
- ; but can just strip out the code you need, or just
- ; use them as a reference for how to do certain things.
- ; 5) Some of them, of course, are just plain useless :)
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Beginners (or "I have no idea what all this is") :
- ; --------------------------------------------------
- ; NOTE - none of these example routines exist - I've just
- ; made 'em up on the spot :)
- ; Statements - How to call 'em
- ; ----------------------------
- ; Statements are commands that don't return
- ; any values.
- ; You call a statement just by typing the
- ; name of the statement and giving any parameters
- ; it needs :
- ; eg. HelloText {} might print "Hello" in a window.
- ; ShowTime {50,50} might put up a requester at
- ; co-ordinates x=50,y=50 with the time in it.
- ; Easy :)
- ; Functions - How to call 'em
- ; ---------------------------
- ; Functions are basically commands which return values.
- ; Some functions perform actions, like opening a requester
- ; or drawing a graphic in a window :
- ; eg. result.b=MadeUpRequest {"Hello"} might put up
- ; a requester with the body text "Hello" and the title
- ; and gadget text already built into the function. This
- ; function would probably return the value of the gadget
- ; that was hit.
- ; Others just return a value depending on what you've
- ; supplied them with :
- ; eg. new$=AddHello {"Mr Bond"}
- ; This might return "Hello Mr Bond" in new$.
- ; Functions always return a value, so you must
- ; have a variable to receive them, even if it's
- ; just a dummy variable that you do nothing with :
- ; eg. dummy.l=DoesSomething {"I do nothing"}
- ; As for what type of variable to use, have a
- ; look at the function itself - if it says
- ; Function.b it returns a byte, Function.l
- ; would return a long, Function$ or Function.s
- ; would return a string, etc, so you just use that
- ; type of variable. If it just says Function, it'll
- ; be a "quick" type (usually the default type).
- ; You can also use functions in the same way that you
- ; use any other variable. For example, if a function
- ; returns a string :
- ; Request "Test","The time is :"+GetTime {},"OK"
- ; Because functions act just like variables, you
- ; can Print any function's result :
- ; eg. Print ShowSomething {"Hello"} might put
- ; up a requester which says "Hello" and then when
- ; you click on the gadget, it prints the result
- ; into the current window/CLI.
- ; And if you didn't understand that, just uncomment
- ; some of the routines (one at a time - re-comment
- ; each on after testing it!). Try altering the
- ; values given and see what happens - you'll soon
- ; get the hang of it :)
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; DISCLAIMER and stuff :
- ; ----------------------
- ; I've added as many credits as possible. If you wrote
- ; any of these routines (or know who did), let me know!
- ; Also, I should point out that some have been modified
- ; to suit the overall format of this file.
- ; If anyone recognises any of their own routines here,
- ; let me know, and I'll put the appropriate credit into
- ; this file (or remove the function if it's a problem) !
- ; On with the show...
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .Screens
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This section deals with routines to do with screen information
- ; and usage, like finding the screen dimensions and so on.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; NewWBDepth { coloursflag }
- ; TitleBarHeight { screen }
- ; ScreenMouseX {}
- ; ScreenMouseY {}
- ; IsScreenActive { screen }
- ; ScreenH { screen }
- ; ScreenW { screen }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function NewWBDepth { coloursflag }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; GetBitMapAttr_() fix for gfx cards by Paul Burkey - burkey@bigfoot.com
- ; Returns depth of user's Workbench screen (or colours
- ; if you supply a non-zero value (eg. 1!) for coloursflag.
- ; Like Blitz's WBDepth, but returns correct value on
- ; graphics card Workbenches too, whereas WBDepth only
- ; returns a maximum of 8!
- ; Replaces WBColours {} function from older StatsFuncs...
- Function.l NewWBDepth {coloursflag.b}
- *sc.Screen=LockPubScreen_ ("Workbench")
- If *sc
- deep.l=GetBitMapAttr_(*sc\_RastPort\_BitMap,#BMA_DEPTH)
- ; deep.l=GetBitMapAttr_(*sc\RastPort\BitMap,#BMA_DEPTH)
- ; NOTE - if you get "offset not found", try uncommenting the
- ; above line and commenting out the original...different versions
- ; of amigalibs.res have different offset names...
- UnlockPubScreen_ "Workbench",*sc
- EndIf
- If coloursflag
- Function Return 2^deep ; send back colours
- Else Function Return deep ; send back depth
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;NPrint NewWBDepth {0} ; change 0 to -1 (actually, any byte-range value)
- ; ; to get it to return colours instead of depth
- ;End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : TitleBarHeight { screen }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns the height of the title bar of the specified
- ; screen, or false if the screen doesn't exist!
- ; The title-bar height for the screen is ALWAYS the same
- ; as that of any windows open on the screen, so you can use
- ; this to get some info before opening a window.
- Function.w TitleBarHeight{scr.b}
- If Peek.l(Addr Screen(scr))
- *scr.Screen=Peek.l(Addr Screen(scr)) ; get screen info...
- Function Return *scr\BarHeight+1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Print TitleBarHeight{0}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ScreenMouseX {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns X position of mouse relative to top-left of
- ; CURRENTLY USED screen (same as SMouseX, but smaller exec
- ; size will result).
- Function ScreenMouseX {}
- *scr.Screen=Peek.l(Addr Screen(Used Screen))
- If *scr
- Function Return *scr\_MouseX
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo : see demo for ScreenMouseY{}
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ScreenMouseY {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns Y position of mouse relative to top-left of
- ; CURRENTLY USED screen (same as SMouseY, but smaller exec
- ; size will result).
- Function ScreenMouseY {}
- *scr.Screen=Peek.l(Addr Screen(Used Screen))
- If *scr
- Function Return *scr\_MouseY
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE : Uses ScreenMouseX {} too.
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,50,50,500,100,$140f,"",1,2
- ; While Event<>$200
- ; VWait
- ; WTitle "X : "+Str$(ScreenMouseX{})+" / Y : "+Str$(ScreenMouseY{})
- ; Wend
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : IsScreenActive { screen number }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns True (-1) if screen is active, False (0) if not.
- ; NOTE : Active DOES NOT necessarily mean the frontmost screen!
- Function IsScreenActive {scr.b}
- If Peek.l(Addr Screen(scr)) = ActiveScreen
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; If IsScreenActive {0}
- ; Request "","IsScreenActive returned True...","OK"
- ; Else Request "","IsScreenActive returned False...","OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ScreenH { screen number }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Replacement for ScreenHeight, saving around 7k from exec size.
- ; Returns the height of the specified screen.
- ; Use ScreenH {Used Screen} if that's convenient to you :)
- Function ScreenH {sc.b}
- *SC.Screen=Peek.l(Addr Screen(sc))
- If *SC
- Function Return *SC\Height
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0,"Workbench Screen"
- ; Request "","Your Workbench screen is "+Str$(ScreenH {0})+" pixels high.","Correct!"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ScreenW { screen number }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Replacement for ScreenWidth, saving around 7k from exec size.
- ; Returns the width of the specified screen.
- ; Use ScreenW {Used Screen} if that's convenient to you :)
- Function ScreenW {sc.b}
- *SC.Screen=Peek.l(Addr Screen(sc))
- If *SC
- Function Return *SC\Width
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0,"Workbench Screen"
- ; Request "","Your Workbench screen is "+Str$(ScreenW {0})+" pixels wide.","Correct!"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .Windows
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This section deals with routines to do with window information
- ; and usage, like finding the window dimensions, drawing in
- ; windows, fonts in windows, etc.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; FlashText { window, x, y, no , text, speed }
- ; Draw3dBox { x, y, width, height, style }
- ; WOutline { x1, y1, x2, y2, hilite, shadow }
- ; WBevel { x, y, x2, y2, hilite, shadow }
- ; CenterString { text, window }
- ; PixelLen { text }
- ; CentreWindowX { width of window }
- ; CentreWindowY { height of window }
- ; WindowOpened { window }
- ; WindowFillScreen { window number, flags, title }
- ; WindowW { window }
- ; WindowH { window }
- ; WindowFlags { window }
- ; WinMouseX {}
- ; WinMouseY {}
- ; LoadScreenFont { font number }
- ; WBWinAddr {}
- ; BFWindow { window, left, top, right, bottom, pen }
- ; WindowTitle { window, window title, screen title }
- ; WinCls { colour }
- ; CleanBorder { window number }
- ; LockWindow { window }
- ; UnLockWindow { window, lock }
- ; HidePointer { window }
- ; ShowPointer { window }
- ; WPrint { x, y, text }
- ; WFBox { window, left, right, top, bottom }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : FlashText { window, x, y, no , text, speed }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; UPDATED by Nick Clover - nick@bauk.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Now optimised for speed and executable size :)
- ; Shows flashing text in a window.
- ; x is the left position, y is the top position, no is the
- ; number of times to flash, speed is the DELAY in ticks.
- ; note that this uses colours 1 and 0 - you'll have to
- ; alter it for anything else...can't add it as parameters
- ; due to Blitz's 6-parameter limit in statements & functions :(
- Statement FlashText {win.b,x.w,y.w,no.w,a$,speed.b}
- rp.l=RastPort(0)
- strlen=Len(a$)
- For a=1 To no*2-1
- color=1-color
- SetAPen_ rp,color
- Move_ rp,x,y
- Text_ rp,a$,strlen
- Delay_ speed
- Next a
- SetAPen_ rp,1
- Move_ rp,x,y
- Text_ rp,a$,strlen
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,200,$140f,"FlashText Demo",1,2
- ; FlashText{0,100,100,5,"Hello,I'm flashing (5 times)!",10}
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : Draw3dBox { x, y, width, height, style }
- ; Draws a 3d box in a window.
- ; Note that you do need a window to use this!
- ; See demo for more.
- ; **** UPDATED by Nick Clover ****
- ; Optimised for speed and executable size :)
- Statement Draw3dBox {ax,ay,Width.l,Height.l,way.b}
- ax2.l = ax+Width-1:ay2.l = ay+Height-1
- SHARED rp.l
- SetAPen_ rp,2-way:Move_ rp,ax2,ay:Draw_ rp,ax,ay:Draw_ rp,ax,ay2
- If way=0
- SetAPen_ rp,1:Move_ rp,ax+1,ay2 :Draw_ rp,ax2,ay2 :Draw_ rp,ax2,ay
- SetAPen_ rp,3:Move_ rp,ax+1,ay2-1:Draw_ rp,ax2-1,ay2-1:Draw_ rp,ax2-1,ay+1
- Else
- SetAPen_ rp,3:Move_ rp,ax2-1,ay+1:Draw_ rp,ax+1,ay+1:Draw_ rp,ax+1,ay2-1
- SetAPen_ rp,2:Move_ rp,ax+1,ay2 :Draw_ rp,ax2,ay2 :Draw_ rp,ax2,ay
- EndIf
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,200,$140f,"Click to close...",1,2
- ; rp.l=RastPort(0)
- ; Draw3dBox{10,10,350,150,0} ; try replacing the 0 with 1 for
- ; an inverse Box...
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : WOutline { x1, y1, x2, y2, hilite, shadow }
- ; Author : Mark Tiffany
- ; UPDATED by Nick Clover - nick@bauk.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Now updated for speed and executable size.
- ; Draws a nice bounding box in a window...useful for fancy
- ; borders, gadget boxes, etc.
- ;IMPORTANT NOTE : You must make the call "rp.l=RastPort (window)"
- ; before calling this function now - this
- ; is due to Blitz's 6-parameter limit
- ; in statements :(
- Statement WOutline {x1.w,y1.w,x2.w,y2.w,hilite.w,shadow.w}
- SHARED rp.l
- SetAPen_ rp,hilite
- Move_ rp,x1,y1:Draw_ rp,x2-1,y1:Draw_ rp,x2-1,y2-1:Draw_ rp,x1,y2-1:Draw_ rp,x1,y1
- SetAPen_ rp,shadow
- Move_ rp,x1+1,y1+1:Draw_ rp,x2,y1+1:Draw_ rp,x2,y2:Draw_ rp,x1+1,y2:Draw_ rp,x1+1,y1+1
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,200,$40f,"",1,2
- ; rp.l=RastPort(0)
- ;; ^^^ IMPORTANT!!! MUST call this before WOutline!!!
- ; WOutline{60,60,170,150,1,2} ; try swapping the 1 and 2 over
- ; for an inverse box :)
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : WBevel { x, y, x2, y2, hilite, shadow }
- ; Author : Mark Tiffany
- ; UPDATED by Nick Clover - nick@bauk.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Now updated for speed and executable size.
- ; Draws a nice bevel box in a window...useful for fancy
- ; borders, gadget boxes, etc.
- ;IMPORTANT NOTE : You must make the call "rp.l=RastPort (window)"
- ; before calling this function now - this
- ; is due to Blitz's 6-parameter limit
- ; in statements :(
- Statement WBevel{x1.w,y1.w,x2.w,y2.w,hilite.w,shadow.w}
- SHARED rp.l
- SetAPen_ rp,shadow:Move_ rp,x1,y1:Draw_ rp,x2-1,y1:Draw_ rp,x2-1,y2-1:Draw_ rp,x1,y2-1:Draw_ rp,x1,y1
- SetAPen_ rp,hilite:Move_ rp,x1+1,y1+1:Draw_ rp,x2,y1+1:Draw_ rp,x2,y2:Draw_ rp,x1+1,y2:Draw_ rp,x1+1,y1+1
- SetAPen_ rp,shadow:Move_ rp,x1+2,y2-2:Draw_ rp,x1+2,y1+2:Draw_ rp,x2-2,y1+2
- SetAPen_ rp,hilite:Move_ rp,x2-2,y1+2:Draw_ rp,x2-2,y2-2:Draw_ rp,x1+2,y2-2
- SetAPen_ rp,shadow:WritePixel_ rp,x2-1,y1+1:WritePixel_ rp,x1+1,y2-1
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,200,80,$140f,"",1,2
- ; rp.l=RastPort(0); IMPORTANT!!! MUST call this first now!!!
- ; WBevel{10,10,100,50,1,2} ; try swapping the 1 and 2 over
- ; for an inverse bevel :)
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : CenterString { text, window }
- ; Returns cursor x position to use for centering a string
- ; in a given window, using that window's current font
- ; Returns True (-1) if the string won't fit.
- Function.w CenterString{text$,windownum.w}
- Use Window (windownum)
- *rp.l=RastPort (windownum) ;find the window's rastport
- strln.w=Len(text$) ;we need the character count too
- pixels.w=TextLength_ (*rp,&text$,strln) ;pixel width of the string
- winspace.w=InnerWidth ;available printing width
- If pixels<winspace ;there is enough room
- startX.w=winspace/2 -pixels/2 ;starting position
- Function Return startX ;and send it back
- Else ;OH, NO! not enough room!
- Function Return -1 ;tell 'em the bad news
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,200,$140f,"CenterString test",1,2
- ; ; *** Try making the window 100 wide ***
- ; test$="Hello, I'm a very, very long text string. I really am..."
- ; x.w=CenterString {test$,0}
- ; ; if x=-1 then the string won't fit :
- ; If x>-1
- ; WLocate x,WTopOff:Print test$
- ; Else Request "","String won't fit!","OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : PixelLen { text }
- ; Returns the number of pixels in width required to print
- ; the requested string.
- Function.w PixelLen{a$}
- rp.l=RastPort(0) ; The rastport of the used window.
- Function Return TextLength_(rp,&a$,Len(a$))
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; If Window (0,0,0,640,200,$40f,"",1,2)=0 Then Request "","Window too wide!","END":End
- ;; if the above function fails on your system, just use :
- ;; Window 0,0,0,640,200,$40f,"",1,2 ...instead!
- ; a$="Some Pixels" ; use this text
- ; pix.w=PixelLen{a$} ; find pixel width of text
- ;; print information :
- ; NPrint ""
- ; NPrint "PixelLen {"+Chr$(34)+a$+Chr$(34)+"} returns a value of : ",pix
- ; NPrint ""
- ; Print " ":WJam 4:NPrint a$
- ; NPrint ""
- ; WJam 0:NPrint "So "+Chr$(34)+a$+Chr$(34)+" is ",pix," pixels wide in this WindowFont."
- ; NPrint "":NPrint "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
- ; demo 2 :
- ; a$="Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of text"
- ;; try taking out a couple of "and lots" to make it fit!
- ; NPrint "":NPrint a$
- ; If PixelLen {a$}>InnerWidth
- ; NPrint "":NPrint "The string above is too wide!"
- ; Else NPrint "":NPrint "Yep,that string fits!"
- ; EndIf
- ; Repeat
- ; VWait 5
- ; Until Event=$200
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : CentreWindowX { width of window }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns x position for window of width "width.w".
- ; Use it with CentreWindowY {} to centre a window
- ; both ways in the CURRENTLY USED screen.
- Function.w CentreWindowX {width.w}
- x.w=(ScreenWidth/2)-(width/2)
- Function Return x
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; See demo for CentreWindowY {} !
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : CentreWindowY { height of window }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns y position for window of height "height.w".
- ; Use it with CentreWindowX {} to centre a window
- ; both ways in the CURRENTLY USED screen.
- Function.w CentreWindowY {height.w}
- y.w=(ScreenHeight/2)-(height/2)
- Function Return y
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; w=400:h=180
- ; Window 0,CentreWindowX {w},CentreWindowY {h},w,h,$140f,"I'm in the middle!",1,2
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : WindowOpened { window }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Although it's possible to do this :
- ; If Window (0,0,0,640,200,$140f,"",1,2)=0 Then End
- ; That apparently doesn't work on some people's setups,
- ; hence this function...returns False (0) if the window isn't
- ; open.
- Function WindowOpened {win.b}
- If Peek.l(Addr Window(win))
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; Screen 0,10
- ; Window 0,0,0,641,200,$140f,"",1,2
- ; If WindowOpened {0}=0 Then Request "","Failed to open window!","Abort!":End
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : WindowFillScreen { window number, flags, title }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; A basic function to open a full-screen window, just below the
- ; title bar, on the CURRENTLY USED screen - should work for
- ; ANY screen/font sizes though.
- ; You may want to edit parts of the function to suit your
- ; program, eg DPen, BPen, GadgetList and BitMap parameters
- ; aren't supplied to this function.
- Function WindowFillScreen {win.b,flags.l,title$}
- *sc.Screen=Peek.l(Addr Screen(Used Screen))
- If *sc
- If Peek.l(Addr Window(win))
- Function Return 0
- Else Window win,0,*sc.Screen\BarHeight+1,*sc.Screen\Width,*sc.Screen\Height-(*sc.Screen\BarHeight+1),flags,title$,1,2
- If Peek.l(Addr Window(win))=0
- Function Return 0
- Else Function Return -1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; WbToScreen 0
- ;; Screen 0,28 ; uncomment to test on another screen...
- ; If WindowFillScreen {0,$140f,"Hello"}=0
- ; Request "","Failed to open window!","OK":End
- ; EndIf
- ; Request "","Ta-daaa!||A nice full-screen window!","Amazing..."
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : WindowW { window }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns width of specified window.
- Function WindowW {win.b}
- *win.Window=Peek.l(Addr Window(win))
- If *win
- Function Return *win\Width
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,200,$20140f,"",1,2
- ; NPrint WindowW {0}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : WindowH { window }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns height of specified window.
- Function WindowH {win.b}
- *win.Window=Peek.l(Addr Window(win))
- If *win
- Function Return *win\Height
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,200,$20140f,"",1,2
- ; NPrint WindowH {0}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : WindowFlags { window }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns a value containing the window's flag settings.
- ; Use "If WindowFlags {window} AND *flag*" to check for
- ; a particular flag, eg. to check window 0 has a drag bar,
- ; use "If WindowFlags {0} AND $2 Then BeepScreen 0", etc.
- ; The flags are listed on page 177 of the Blitz Basic 2.1
- ; manual (or press Right Amiga + HELP with the cursor on the
- ; Window command).
- Function.l WindowFlags {w.b}
- *win.Window=Peek.l(Addr Window(w))
- If *win
- Function Return *win\Flags
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,200,$140f,"",1,2
- ; If WindowFlags {0} AND $2 Then BeepScreen 0 ; check for drag bar
- ; Request "","Window's flag settings :||$"+Hex$(WindowFlags {0}),"OK"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : WinMouseX {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns X position of mouse relative to top-left of
- ; CURRENTLY USED window (same as WMouseX, but smaller exec
- ; size will result).
- Function.w WinMouseX {}
- *win.Window=Peek.l(Addr Window(Used Window))
- If *win
- Function Return *win\_MouseX
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo : see demo for WinMouseY{}
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : WinMouseY {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns Y position of mouse relative to top-left of
- ; CURRENTLY USED window (same as WMouseY, but smaller exec
- ; size will result).
- Function.w WinMouseY {}
- *win.Window=Peek.l(Addr Window(Used Window))
- If *win
- Function Return *win\_MouseY
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,200,$140f,"",1,2
- ; Repeat
- ; VWait
- ; WTitle "X : "+Str$(WinMouseX {})+" / Y : "+Str$(WinMouseY {})
- ; Until Event=$200
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : LoadScreenFont { font number }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Finds the font of the used screen and loads it into
- ; the Blitz font object you specify.
- ; Returns a string containing all of the info, which you can
- ; parse in your own way if needed ;)
- ; If it fails to get a screen (ie you haven't created/taken over
- ; one!) or find the font (shouldn't happen!), it returns ""
- ; NOTE - to use the font in a window, you MUST call the Blitz
- ; function WindowFont <window number> afterwards for whichever
- ; window you want to use the font in (the window must be open!).
- Function$ LoadScreenFont {f.w}
- *scr.Screen=Peek.l(Addr Screen(Used Screen))
- If *scr=0 Then Function Return ""
- *scfont.TextAttr=*scr.Screen\Font
- If *scfont=0 Then Function Return ""
- ; In AmigaDOS we trust :
- fheight.b=(*scfont.TextAttr\ta_YSize)
- fname$=Peek$(*scfont.TextAttr\ta_Name)
- LoadFont f,fname$,fheight:Function Return Str$(f)+":"+fname$+":"+Str$(fheight)
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,150,$20140e,"",1,2
- ;; NOTE - should really check for LoadScreenFont {} returning
- ;; an empty string here ( "" ) :
- ; NPrint ""
- ; NPrint "LoadScreenFont {0} returns : ",Chr$(34),LoadScreenFont {0},Chr$(34)
- ; NPrint "[ Format : ",Chr$(34),"Font number:Font name:Font height",Chr$(34)," ]"
- ; NPrint ""
- ; NPrint "Still printed using system default font..."
- ; NPrint ""
- ; NPrint "[ - Calling WindowFont! - ]"
- ; WindowFont 0
- ; NPrint ""
- ; NPrint "There - printed using screen font - click mouse to end..."
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : WBWinAddr {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns a memory pointer to the Workbench window.
- ; Handy for some OS/3rd party library functions,
- ; (eg requesters).
- ; W A R N I N G ! ! !
- ; Found out that it returns the first window belonging
- ; to Workbench (may be a directory window!), not always
- ; the actual Workbench window... :(
- Function.l WBWinAddr {}
- wb$="Workbench"
- *scr.Screen=LockPubScreen_(&wb$)
- If *scr
- *win.Window = *scr\FirstWindow
- While *win
- If *win\Flags & #WFLG_WBENCHWINDOW
- If *win\Title=0
- Goto poppit
- EndIf
- EndIf
- *win = *win\NextWindow
- Wend
- Function Return 0 ; didn't get it!
- poppit
- Function Return *win
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE - this demo isn't much use!
- ; *win.Window=WBWinAddr {}
- ; NPrint "Address of WB window : $",Hex$(*win)
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : BFWindow { window, left, top, right, bottom, pen }
- ; Original author : Unknown
- ; Fixed for gimmezerozero windows by Carl Read :)
- ; UPDATED (again) By Bippy - BippyM@stingent.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Now you can (well, have to ;) supply the dimensions and pen
- ; colour used...much more control :)
- ; Fills a window with a backfill pattern, like this :
- ; 010101010101010101010101010101010101
- ; 101010101010101010101010101010101010
- ; 010101010101010101010101010101010101
- ; 101010101010101010101010101010101010
- ; 010101010101010101010101010101010101
- ; 101010101010101010101010101010101010
- ; 010101010101010101010101010101010101
- ; ...that kind of thing ;)
- ; Looks all white, like requesters...
- ; Good when used with WFBox {} - see .WFBox.
- ; See the end of the statement for how to edit the pattern :)
- ; WARNING - don't make the right or bottom values you supply
- ; less than the left or top values... G U R U :)
- Statement BFWindow{WindoID.w,WLeft,WTop,WWidth,WHeight,pen}
- *Windo.Window = Peek.l(Addr Window(WindoID.w))
- USEPATH *Windo
- \RPort\AreaPtrn = ?BackFill ;Pattern Address
- \RPort\AreaPtSz = 1 ;use 2 arrays form the
- ;Pattern Address
- If \Flags AND $400
- WLeft - WLeftOff
- WTop - WTopOff
- EndIf
- ;Put a BackFill in the Window.
- SetAPen_ \RPort,pen
- SetDrMd_ \RPort,1
- BltPattern_ \RPort,0,WLeft,WTop,WWidth,WHeight,0
- \RPort\AreaPtrn = 0 ;Put it back to 0
- \RPort\AreaPtSz = 0 ;Put it back to 0
- Statement Return
- BackFill:
- Dc.w %0101010101010101 ; first line...
- Dc.w %1010101010101010 ; next line...
- ; ;%---------------- ...and repeats all down the window...
- ; These 0's and 1's control the pattern -
- ; edit them to change the pattern, but :
- ; BEWARE : Using the wrong number of 0's and 1's WILL
- ; crash the machine!!!!!
- ; Use the -'s as a guide :)
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,320,127,$100e,"Crude backfill demo",1,2
- ; BFWindow {0,20,20,300,100,2}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : WindowTitle { window, window title, screen title }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Changes the title of the specified window (and the screen title
- ; while the window is activated).
- ; It's safe to supply a wrong window number - no Enforcer
- ; hits or anything ;)
- Statement WindowTitle { win.b, windowtitle$, screentitle$ }
- SetWindowTitles_ Peek.l(Addr Window(win)),&windowtitle$,&screentitle$
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,11,640,200,$140f,"I'm gonna change soon!",1,2
- ; Delay_ 100
- ; WindowTitle {0,"Hello, I've been changed!","Hey, look at me!"}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : WinCls { colour }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Same as WCls, but without the "Oops, I've missed the
- ; top line" bug (see demo).
- Statement WinCls {col.w}
- If col>256 Then col=0 ; max value in OS!
- SetRast_ RastPort (Used Window),col
- End Statement
- ; ALTERNATIVE VERSION (only uncomment if you comment
- ; out the above version!)
- ; Statement : WinCls { window number, colour }
- ; Statement WinCls { win.b, col.w }
- ; SetRast_ RastPort (win),col
- ; End Statement
- ; This version lets you add the window number - if you
- ; wanted to clear a load of windows, you'd normally have
- ; to "Use Window" each one before calling WCls or WinCls{}.
- ; might come in handy for someone!
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,200,$140f,"",1,2
- ; WCls 1 ; bugged Blitz command :P
- ; Request "","Oops - look at the top line of the window!||It hasn't turned to colour 1!","Why, you're right..."
- ; WinCls {0}
- ; Request "","OK, let's try again!","OK"
- ; WinCls {1}
- ; Request "","That's better!","I vow to use WinCls {} from now on!"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : CleanBorder { window number }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Fixes the window's border's if they've been overdrawn.
- ; You can check for the borders being messed up by checking
- ; WaitEvent (or Event) for $4 and then calling this...also,
- ; if your window gets resized, it can be handy to call this.
- Statement CleanBorder {win.b}
- If Peek.l(Addr Window(win))
- RefreshWindowFrame_ Peek.l(Addr Window (win))
- EndIf
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,400,100,$100f,"",1,2
- ; WBox 0,0,400,100,1
- ; Delay_25
- ; WColour 2,1:WLocate WLeftOff,20:NPrint "Yuk! The borders have been overwritten! "
- ; Delay_150
- ; CleanBorder {0}
- ; NPrint "...that's better! Click mouse to end..."
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : LockWindow { window }
- ; Locks the specified window, puts up busy pointer.
- ; Unlocked with the UnLockWindow {} statement.
- ; IMPORTANT!!! You should store the result as a long
- ; variable, as in the demo - this is needed for the
- ; UnLockWindow {} statement!
- Function.l LockWindow {win.l}
- lock.l=AllocMem_(SizeOf .Requester,1)
- If lock
- win=Peek.l(Addr Window(win))
- InitRequester_(lock)
- If Request_(lock,win)
- *Exec.Library=Peek.l(4)
- If *Exec\lib_Version=>39
- Dim tag.TagItem(1)
- tag(0)\ti_Tag=#WA_BusyPointer,-1
- tag(1)\ti_Tag=#TAG_END
- SetWindowPointerA_ win,&tag(0)
- EndIf
- Else
- FreeMem_ lock,SizeOf .Requester
- lock=0
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Function Return lock
- End Function
- ; demo : see demo for UnLockWindow {} statement below.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : UnLockWindow { window, lock }
- ; Unlocks a window locked with the LockWindow {} function.
- ; IMPORTANT!!!! The "lock" parameter is the value returned
- ; from LockWindow {} , eg. lock.l=LockWindow {0}
- ; You supply this value to this statement.
- Statement UnlockWindow{win.l,lock.l}
- win=Peek.l(Addr Window(win))
- *Exec.Library=Peek.l(4)
- If *Exec\lib_Version=>39
- Delay_ 5
- Dim tag.TagItem(0)
- tag(0)\ti_Tag=#TAG_END
- SetWindowPointerA_ win,&tag(0)
- EndIf
- EndRequest_ lock,win
- FreeMem_ lock,SizeOf .Requester
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,100,$40f,"Delayed for 2 seconds",1,2
- ; GTButton 0,0,0,0,200,10,"Click me!",0
- ; AttachGTList 0,0
- ; lock.l=LockWindow {0}
- ; Delay_ 100
- ; If lock Then UnlockWindow {0,lock}
- ; Delay_ 100
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : HidePointer { window }
- ; Author : Serge Veuglers (I think! - from dark.lha on Aminet)
- ; Hides the mouse pointer for the specified window.
- Statement HidePointer {win.w}
- *wmem.l = ?EmptyPointer ; gets invisible image from EmptyPointer:
- SetPointer_ Peek.l(Addr Window(win)), *wmem, 0,0,1,1
- Statement Return ; avoids running into next part...
- ; The next part is the "invisible image" for the pointer!
- EmptyPointer:
- Dcb.w 4,$0
- End Statement
- ; demo : see demo for ShowPointer {} statement below.
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : ShowPointer { window }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Shows the mouse pointer for the specified window, used
- ; after calling HidePointer {} statement.
- Statement ShowPointer {win}
- ClearPointer_ Peek.l(Addr Window(win))
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ;FindScreen 0
- ;Window 0,0,0,350,70,$20140e,"Click "+Chr$(34)+"Pointer Off"+Chr$(34)+"!",1,2
- ;GTButton 0,50,10,0,150,30,"Pointer Off",0
- ;GTButton 0,51,170,0,150,30,"Pointer On",0
- ;AttachGTList 0,0
- ;loop
- ;Select WaitEvent
- ; Case $40
- ; Select GadgetHit
- ; Case 50
- ; HidePointer{0}
- ; WTitle "Click outside to see pointer!"
- ; Case 51
- ; ShowPointer{0}
- ; WTitle "Click "+Chr$(34)+"Pointer Off"+Chr$(34)+"!"
- ; End Select
- ; Case $200
- ; End
- ;End Select
- ;Goto loop
- ;End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : WPrint { x, y, text }
- ; Author : James L Boyd
- ; Replacement for "WLocate x,y:Print a$"
- ; That's right : all of this makes a smaller executable than
- ; just WLocate & Print!
- ; Checks for window/screen existence and returns quietly if
- ; one of them doesn't exist, so no crashes :)
- ; Can be expanded to include user requirements for "JamMode",
- ; pen settings and font if you wanted - mail me if you don't
- ; know how to do it :)
- Statement WPrint {x.w,y.w,a$}
- *scr.Screen=Peek.l(Addr Screen(Used Screen))
- *win.Window=Peek.l(Addr Window(Used Window))
- If *win=0 OR *scr=0
- Statement Return
- EndIf
- *rp=*win\RPort
- ; correct for gimmezerozero windows :
- If *win\Flags &$400
- x-(*scr\WBorLeft*2)
- y-*scr\BarHeight
- Else y+1
- x-*scr\WBorLeft
- EndIf
- DEFTYPE.IntuiText text
- text\FrontPen=1
- text\BackPen=0
- text\DrawMode=#JAM1
- text\LeftEdge=x
- text\TopEdge=y
- text\ITextFont=0
- text\IText=&a$
- text\NextText=0
- PrintIText_ *rp,&text,10,10
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,100,$20100f,"",1,2
- ; WPrint {0,0,"Help me"}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : WFBox { window, left, right, top, bottom }
- ; Clears a 0 (standard : grey) colour bordered box over a
- ; filled window.
- ; Good when used with BFWindow {} - see .BFWindow...
- ; WARNING - don't make the right or bottom values you supply
- ; less than the left or top values... G U R U :)
- ; Updated - turned into a statement, because making it
- ; return a value was pretty pointless. Also uses RectFill_
- ; instead of BltBitMap_ since it doesn't use a pattern mask.
- Statement WFBox {WindoID.w,WLeft.w,WTop.w,WWidth.w,WHeight.w}
- *Windo.Window = Peek.l(Addr Window(WindoID))
- SetAPen_ *Windo\RPort,0
- RectFill_ *Windo\RPort,WLeft,WTop,WWidth,WHeight
- SetAPen_ *Windo\RPort,1
- Move_ *Windo\RPort,WLeft,WHeight
- Draw_ *Windo\RPort,WLeft,WTop
- Draw_ *Windo\RPort,WWidth,WTop
- SetAPen_ *Windo\RPort,2
- Draw_ *Windo\RPort,WWidth,WHeight
- Draw_ *Windo\RPort,WLeft,WHeight
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,320,127,$140e,"",1,2
- ; WCls 3
- ; WFBox {0,20,20,280,100}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .Intuition
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This section deals with what I can only describe as
- ; Intuition-related stuff like requesters, and a couple
- ; of other bits 'n' pieces that didn't really fit into
- ; the Windows category.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; LockReq { title, body, gadget, type }
- ; ASLFileRequest { title, path, file, pattern }
- ; RTReq { title, body text, gadget }
- ; EasyRequester { window , title, text, gadget(s), flags }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : LockReq { title, body, gadget, type }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Locks calling window,puts up requester - standard Request
- ; (reqtype=0) or RTEZRequest (reqtype=1)
- ; RTEZRequest does lock the window normally, but if the window
- ; is closed during the program (eg. during iconify), then
- ; re-opened,sometimes the requesters fail to lock! hence this
- ; function ;)
- ; Of course,you need to have a screen in use to call either
- ; Request or RTEZRequest.
- ; tl$=title
- ; rq$=body text
- ; gd$=gadget text (as normal - separate more than one gadget
- ; with "|",eg "OK|Cancel" )
- ; reqtype=0 for Request,1 for RTEZRequest
- Function.b LockReq{tl$,rq$,gd$,reqtype.b}
- lock.l=RTLockWindow (Used Window)
- If reqtype
- rtrq.b=RTEZRequest (tl$,Replace$(rq$,"|",Chr$(10)),gd$)
- Else rtrq.b=Request (tl$,rq$,gd$)
- EndIf
- If lock
- RTUnlockWindow Used Window,lock
- EndIf
- Function Return rtrq
- End Function
- ; demo:
- ; WBenchToFront_:FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,200,$140f,"LockReq Demo - this window is locked!",1,2
- ; CatchDosErrs
- ; rt.b=LockReq{"Title","Body text","OK|Quit|Cancel",1}
- ; NPrint "Gadget pressed : ",rt
- ; NPrint ""
- ; NPrint "Press mouse button..."
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ASLFileRequest { title, path, file, pattern }
- ; Author : Paul Burkey - burkey@bigfoot.com
- ; This function uses OS functions to call up the ASL file
- ; requester.
- ; You MUST have a screen in use!
- ; You can configure the size by altering the top,left,
- ; width and height variables within the function.
- ; IMPORTANT NOTE!!! You won't see anything different if you're
- ; using a patch like RTPatch or MCP's Reqtools Patch function!
- Function.s ASLFileRequest{title$,pathname$,filename$,pat$}
- *scr.Screen=Peek.l(Addr Screen(Used Screen))
- top.w=0
- left.w=0
- width.w=ScreenWidth/2 ; remove /2 for full-screen requester! ;)
- height.w=ScreenHeight
- Dim Tags.TagItem(10)
- Tags(0)\ti_Tag=#ASLFR_Screen,*scr
- Tags(1)\ti_Tag=#ASLFR_InitialPattern,&pat$
- Tags(2)\ti_Tag=#ASLFR_TitleText,&title$
- Tags(3)\ti_Tag=#ASLFR_InitialFile,&filename$
- Tags(4)\ti_Tag=#ASLFR_InitialDrawer,&pathname$
- Tags(5)\ti_Tag=#ASLFR_InitialLeftEdge,left
- Tags(6)\ti_Tag=#ASLFR_InitialTopEdge,top
- Tags(7)\ti_Tag=#ASLFR_InitialWidth,width
- Tags(8)\ti_Tag=#ASLFR_InitialHeight,height
- Tags(9)\ti_Tag=#TAG_END,0
- *filereq.FileRequester=AllocAslRequest_(#ASL_FileRequest,&Tags(0))
- If *filereq
- ok.l=AslRequest_(*filereq,&Tags(0))
- If ok
- f$=Peek.s(*filereq\fr_Drawer)
- If f$<>"" Then If Right$(f$,1)<>":" AND Right$(f$,1)<>"/" Then f$=f$+"/"
- f$=f$+Peek.s(*filereq\fr_File)
- EndIf
- FreeAslRequest_(*filereq)
- EndIf
- Function Return f$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; NPrint "You selected: ",ASLFileRequest{"Choose File","s:","shell-startup",""}
- ; MouseWait
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : RTReq { title, body text, gadget }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; UPDATE - Curt Esser reported a silly bug in the OpenLibrary_
- ; call - FIXED.
- ; Checks for reqtools.library v38 and uses a reqtools
- ; requester if it's available, defaulting to the standard
- ; requester if it's not.
- ; I never made it use the reqtools positioning parameters,
- ; as these get patched by the user's own prefs settings
- ; anyway.
- Function.b RTReq {title$,body$,gadget$}
- lib$="reqtools.library"
- *lib.l=OpenLibrary_(&lib$,38)
- If *lib
- CloseLibrary_ *lib
- body$=Replace$(body$,"|",Chr$(10))
- rt.b=RTEZRequest (title$,body$,gadget$)
- Else rt.b=Request (title$,body$,gadget$)
- EndIf
- Function Return rt
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; If RTReq{"Hello","If you've got reqtools v38+,|I'll be a reqtools requester,|otherwise just a normal one!","OK|Cancel"}
- ; result.l=RTReq{"Result","You hit OK!","Yep..."}
- ; Else result.l=RTReq{"Result","You hit Cancel!","Sure did!"}
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : EasyRequester { win, title, text, gadget(s), flags }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; + Help from David McMinn :)
- ; Puts up an EasyRequest using the OS - can detect specific
- ; IDCMP events, eg disk inserted/removed, etc (see p179 of
- ; the Blitz 2 manual for a list).
- ; This is essentially the same as RTEZFlagsRequest, but doesn't
- ; need reqtools.library. The exec size is only slightly
- ; smaller than when you use RTEZFlagsRequest, but may be useful
- ; if you want to avoid using reqtools...?
- ; Either supply a window number (if you've set up a window),
- ; or you can specify -1 : this uses the Workbench window,
- ; so that you don't even need a window (or screen) setup
- ; yourself :)
- ; You also supply the title, body text and gadget text (all
- ; just like you do for Request (), and finally any IDCMP
- ; flags you want to satisfy the requester, eg. $400 for any
- ; keypress (see p179 of manual). Mutiple flags can be detected
- ; by doing $400|$8 (key pressed or mouse button hit), etc...
- ; Multiple flags always return ALL of the flags though, not
- ; the one that answered the requester (same happens with
- ; RTEZFlagsRequest).
- ; To use as a normal requester, just put a flag of 0...but
- ; make sure you don't supply "" as the gadget, or you're stuck ;)
- ; It returns gadget numbers just like Request...
- ; Note, you can supply "" for the gadget, so that your user
- ; MUST do as they're told (eg insert disk, etc ;) ...NOT
- ; RECOMMENDED though!!!!
- Function.l EasyRequester {win,title$,body$,gadget$,flags.l}
- DEFTYPE.EasyStruct es
- ; this is the work of a genius ;)
- If win<>-1 ; -1 - use WB window
- *win.Window=Peek.l(Addr Window(win))
- Else
- wb$="Workbench"
- *scr.Screen=LockPubScreen_(&wb$)
- If *scr
- *win.Window = *scr\FirstWindow
- While *win
- If *win\Flags & #WFLG_WBENCHWINDOW
- wb.b=-1
- Goto popit
- EndIf
- *win = *win\NextWindow
- Wend
- popit
- UnlockPubScreen_ 0,*scr
- If wb=0 Then Function Return 0
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If body$="" Then Function Return -1
- body$=Replace$ (body$,"|",Chr$(10))
- es\es_StructSize=SizeOf.EasyStruct
- es\es_Flags=0
- es\es_Title=&title$
- es\es_TextFormat=&body$
- If gadget$=""
- es\es_GadgetFormat=0
- Else es\es_GadgetFormat=&gadget$
- EndIf
- Function Return EasyRequestArgs_ (*win,&es,&flags,0)
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; Insert a disk in any drive (works for ANY type of disk, even
- ;; CDs!) to continue, or click on gadget to abort...
- ;; Try changing "Abort" gadget to "" !
- ;; LOOK, NO SCREEN OR WINDOW (that's what the -1 does :)
- ; If EasyRequester {-1,"","Insert disk in drive...","Abort",$8000}=$8000
- ; Request "","That's it!","OK"
- ; Else Request "","You aborted!","Oh..."
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .Graphics
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This section deals with graphics-related routines, like
- ; picture/palette loading, depth->colour conversion, etc.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; CheckPic { picture file }
- ; PicSafe { picture file, type, safety }
- ; Planes2Cols { number of bitplanes }
- ; SavePaletteFile { bitMap number, filename }
- ; GetPaletteSize { palette name }
- ; UsePalette { screen, palette }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : CheckPic { picture file }
- ; Author : Curt Esser - camge@ix.netcom.com
- ; This function tests a picture file and returns a string
- ; telling you what kind of file it is.
- ; Handy for avoiding crashes when your user tries to load
- ; a non-IFF image!
- ; The returned string will be one of the following :
- ; "OK" = normal ILBM pic
- ; "GIF" = GIF pic
- ; "JPEG" = Jpeg pic
- ; "HAM" = ILBM/Ham pic
- ; "ANIM" = Animation
- ; "24bit" = -1 Colour picture
- ; "????" = Unrecognized file type
- ; "NF" = File not found
- Function.s CheckPic {picpath$}
- error$=""
- If ReadFile(0,picpath$) ; read file header
- FileInput 0
- header$ = Inkey$(2000) ; read 2000 bytes
- CloseFile 0
- PopInput
- If Left$(header$,4)<> "FORM" OR Mid$(header$,9,4) <> "ILBM"
- ; ^ Checks if it's IFF...if it's not an IFF, do this :
- If Left$(header$,3)="GIF" Then error$="GIF "
- If Mid$(header$,7,4)="JFIF" Then error$="JPEG"
- If Mid$(header$,9,4)="ANIM" Then error$="ANIM"
- If error$="" Then error$="????"
- Else ; valid IFF header found!
- x.w=Instr(header$,"CAMG") ; check if it's a HAM pic
- If x<>0
- a$=Left$(Right$(Hex$(Peek.l(&header$+x+7) AND $88A4),3),1)
- If a$="8" Then error$="HAM "
- EndIf
- x=Instr(header$,"CMAP") ;check for 24 bit pic!
- If x=0 Then error$="24bit"
- EndIf
- If error$="" Then error$="OK" ; yep, it's an IFF file!
- Else ; couldn't even find the file!
- error$="NF"
- EndIf
- Function Return error$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; WARNING!!! You should insert the name of a file on YOUR
- ;; system before running this, in the CheckPic{}
- ;; part...
- ; Request "","File format : "+CheckPic{"art:jpegs/santa.jpg"},"OK"
- ; End
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : PicSafe { picture file, type, safety }
- ; Author : Curt Esser - camge@ix.netcom.com
- ; Checks if there's enough chip memory to load a shape
- ; or bitmap.
- ; The function returns a long value :
- ; 1) True (-1) if you can go ahead and load it
- ; 2) The number of bytes needed if there's not enough
- ; See demos...
- ; The loadtype.b parameter should be :
- ; 1) 0 if you're testing a bitmap
- ; 2) 1 if you're testing a shape...
- ; The safety.l parameter allows you to leave a certain
- ; amount of memory (bytes) as a safety margin (I'd use
- ; at least 50000 normally)...this is the bare minimum of
- ; chip mem to leave available after loading the picture.
- Function.l PicSafe{picpath$,loadtype.b,safety.l}
- ILBMInfo picpath$ ;read the pictures size information
- picDepth.w=ILBMDepth
- picDepth + loadtype ;a shape needs an extra bitplane
- picHeight.w=ILBMHeight
- picWidth.w=ILBMWidth
- planemem.l=picHeight*picWidth/8 ;bytes needed for 1 bitplane of this pic
- totalmem.l=planemem*picDepth ;total bytes needed for loading
- If AvailMem_ (131074)>totalmem+safety Then ok.l=-1 Else ok=totalmem
- ; you can replace 131074 with #MEMF_CHIP|#MEMF_LARGEST
- ; if you have Blitzlibs:amigalibs.res in Compiler Options...
- Function Return ok
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; WARNING!!! You should insert the name of a file on YOUR
- ;; system before trying to run this!
- ; result.l=PicSafe{"art:misc/santa.iff",0,50000}
- ;; the above call uses 0 to check a bitmap, and 50000 bytes
- ;; of safety memory.
- ; If result=-1
- ; Request "","OK to load picture!","OK"
- ; Else Request "","Not enough chip memory to load picture!|Needs "+Str$(a)+" bytes!","Abort!"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ; demo 2 :
- ;; DON'T RUN THIS!!! Just an alternative way of using it.
- ; pic$="art:misc/santa.iff"
- ; If PicSafe{pic$}=-1 Then LoadBitMap 0,pic$,0
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : Planes2Cols { number of bitplanes }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns the number of colours available
- ; in the number of bitplanes given.
- Function.w Planes2Cols {planes.b}
- colours.w=2^planes
- Function Return colours
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; Print "An 8-plane bitmap has ",Planes2Cols {8}," colours."
- ; MouseWait:End
- ; demo 2 :
- ;; This is an example of how it could be used...
- ; cols.w=Planes2Cols {ILBMDepth} ; how many colours in currently
- ; ; examined picture?
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : SavePaletteFile { bitmap number, filename }
- ; Author - "Cyanure"?
- ; Saves the palette from a given bitmap to a file as a
- ; standard Amiga IFF palette.
- ; I think you have to use LoadBitMap with the palette
- ; parameter (or load the palette manually), then call
- ; this statement.
- Statement SavePaletteFile {NumberBmap.b,FileName.s}
- DEFTYPE .b NumberPlanes
- DEFTYPE .w NumberColors,FSize
- NumberPlanes=Peek.b(Addr BitMap(NumberBmap)+5)
- NumberColors=2^NumberPlanes
- FSize=3*NumberColors+48 ; File size
- If OpenFile(1,FileName.s)=-1
- *pf=AllocMem_(FSize,0) ; Memory for the palette file
- *pf0=*pf ; Beginning of the palette file
- address
- Poke.l *pf,$464f524d ; FORM
- Poke.l *pf+4,FSize-8 ;
- Poke.l *pf+8,$494c424d ; ILBM
- Poke.l *pf+12,$424d4844 ; BMHD
- Poke.l *pf+16,20 ; Size of the BMHD chunk
- Poke.l *pf+20,0 ; width and height
- Poke.l *pf+24,0 ; x and y
- Poke.l *pf+28,$03020180 ; I don't know why but it works !
- Poke.l *pf+32,0 ; transparency and aspect
- Poke.l *pf+36,0 ; page width and page height
- Poke.l *pf+40,$434d4150 ; CMAP
- Poke.l *pf+44,NumberColors*3 ; Size of the CMAP chunk
- *pf+48 ; Increases the pointer
- For c=0 To NumberColors-1
- Poke.b *pf,AGARed(c)
- Poke.b *pf+1,AGAGreen(c)
- Poke.b *pf+2,AGABlue(c)
- *pf+3
- Next c
- WriteMem 1,*pf0,FSize ; Writes in file #1
- FreeMem_ *pf0,FSize
- CloseFile 1
- EndIf
- End Statement
- demo :
- ; NOTE : DO NOT run this demo as it requires specific
- ; files - you'll have to replace all the filenames with some
- ; from your own system before running!
- ; The demo is from the original source by Cyanure.
- ; WBStartup
- ; NoCli
- ; ; I suppose the palette you want to save is one of an open bitmap
- ; ; So, I open such a bitmap :
- ; Screen 0,0,0,320,256,8,0,"title",1,2
- ; ScreensBitMap 0,0
- ; LoadBitMap 0,"art:misc/amilogo.iff",0 ; chooses a bitmap
- ; LoadPalette 0,"art:misc/amilogo.iff"
- ; Use Palette 0
- ; SavePaletteFile{0,"ram:PaletteStd.col"}
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : GetPaletteSize { palette name }
- ; Returns the number of colours in a given palette.
- ; NOT guaranteed to be future-proof, but I don't suppose
- ; we need to worry about that now, do we? ;)
- ; NOTE - not sure how reliable this is...
- ; I found this somewhere (or maybe it was sent to me?)
- ; Thought it would be useful to somebody, so I've chucked it
- ; in with nearly no changes (could be optimised to use OS file
- ; reading though... :)
- Function.w GetPaletteSize{palname$}
- numbitplanes.w=0
- If ReadFile(0,palname$)
- FileSeek 0,28
- ReadMem 0,&numbitplanes,1
- CloseFile 0
- End If
- Function Return 2^numbitplanes
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE : change the palette name to one on YOUR system!
- ; NPrint GetPaletteSize {"sys:storage/clickforcolours"}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : UsePalette { screen, palette }
- ; Author : Paul Burkey - burkey@bigfoot.com
- ; Same as Use Palette, but using OS functions (smaller
- ; executable size). Also has some other advantage, but I've
- ; forgotten what it was!
- Statement UsePalette{scr.w,pal.w}
- LoadRGB32_ ViewPort(scr),Peek.l(Addr Palette(pal))
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0,"Workbench Screen"
- ;; WARNING!!! This will screw up your Workbench palette
- ;; and I can't be bothered typing stuff to set it back!
- ;; You may want to edit this before running ;)
- ; LoadPalette 0,"Sys:Storage/clickforcolours"
- ; if Request ("","I'm gonna change the screen colours!","OK|NO!")
- ; UsePalette {0,0}
- ; Delay_ 100
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .Sound
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This section deals with sound-related routines, such as
- ; safe loading, timing,etc.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; SoundSafe { sound file, safety }
- ; SaveSound { sound number, filename }
- ; SoundTime { sound number }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : SoundSafe { sound file, safety }
- ; checks a sound sample :
- ; 1) To see if it's really an IFF sample
- ; 2) To check there's enough memory to load it
- ; The safety.l parameter is the number of bytes of safety
- ; margin to add on...ie the bare minimum of chip mem to leave
- ; available after loading the sound. I'd use about 50000
- ; normally.
- ; Returns a long value depending on the results :
- ; 1) True (-1) if it's OK to load the sample
- ; 2) the number of bytes needed if chip memory's too low
- ; 3) False (0) if it's not an IFF sample
- ; 4) 1 if it's not found...bit hacky, but pretty safe!
- ; see demos...
- Function.l SoundSafe {soundpath$,safety.l}
- If ReadFile(0,soundpath$) ; check file header
- FileInput 0
- header$ = Inkey$(12) ; read 12 bytes
- CloseFile 0
- PopInput
- If Left$(header$,4)="FORM" AND Right$(header$,4)="8SVX"
- ;valid sample, now check chip memory
- chipmem.l=FileSize(soundpath$) ; memory needed
- If AvailMem_ (131074)>chipmem+safety Then ok.l=-1 Else ok=chipmem
- Else
- ok=0 ; not an IFF sample!
- EndIf
- Else
- ok=1 ; not found!
- EndIf
- Function Return ok
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE that you need to change the filename to one on your
- ;; own system!
- ; result.l=SoundSafe{"sys:storage/goodjob.iff",50000}
- ;; the above call uses 50000 bytes of safety margin.
- ; Select result
- ; Case -1
- ; message$="OK to load sound!"
- ; Case 0
- ; message$="Not an IFF sample!"
- ; Case 1
- ; message$="Not found!"
- ; Default
- ; message$="Not enough memory - need "+Str$(result)+" bytes!"
- ; End Select
- ; Request "",message$,"OK"
- ; End
- ; demo 2 :
- ;; quick call! NOTE - change the filename to one
- ;; on your system!
- ; If SoundSafe{"sys:storage/goodjob.iff",50000}=-1
- ; LoadSound 0,"sys:storage/goodjob.iff"
- ; Else End
- ; EndIf
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : SaveSound { sound number, filename }
- ; Author : Curt Esser - camge@ix.netcom.com
- ; AT LAST! Blitz Basic gets a sample SAVE routine!
- ; Full credit to Curt Esser for this excellent routine!
- ; Right, who's gonna make an IFF sample editor?!
- ; Come on, we've got LoopSound, InitSound, SoundData, PeekSound,
- ; etc, so it shouldn't be too hard to make it! (I'm too lazy ;)
- ; UPDATE - demo fixed by Curt - it never checked for a failure
- ; properly before!
- Function.b SaveSound{samplenumber.w,saveIFF$}
- If Peek.l(Addr Sound(samplenumber)) ;make sure sample exists
- ; Now we read the necessary information into our variables
- sndstart.l=Peek.l(Addr Sound(samplenumber)) ;start of sample data
- slen.l=(Peek.w(Addr Sound (samplenumber)+6) AND $FFFF)*2 ;bytes of sample data
- ; -- the total disk file length less 8 bytes for "FORM" + length:
- tlen.l=slen+40
- ; -- the looping information:
- loop.l=Peek.l(Addr Sound (samplenumber)+8) ;start of looping part
- lpln.l=(Peek.w(Addr Sound (samplenumber)+12) AND $FFFF)*2 ;length of loop
- ones.l=loop-sndstart ;length of 1 shot part
- cycl.l=32 ;seems to be standard?
- ; -- the frequency:
- per.l=(Peek.w(Addr Sound(samplenumber)+4) AND $FFFF) ;the sample period
- persec.w= 3579440/per ;the actual frequency
- If WriteFile (0,saveIFF$)
- error=-1
- FileOutput 0
- Print "FORM" ;start of IFF header
- WriteMem 0,&tlen,4 ;total bytes following the header
- Print "8SVXVHDR" ;8svx sample ID, and start of Voice Header
- temp.l=20
- WriteMem 0,&temp,4 ;bytes in Voice Header chunk
- WriteMem 0,&ones,4 ;data bytes in 1 shot part
- temp.l=0
- WriteMem 0,&lpln,4 ;for looping (length of loop)
- WriteMem 0,&cycl,4 ;" " "
- WriteMem 0,&persec,2 ;frequency of the sample
- tempb.b=1
- WriteMem 0,&tempb,1 ;octaves
- WriteMem 0,&temp,1 ;compression (we use 0 = not compressed)
- temp.l=65536 ;volume (full volume)
- WriteMem 0,&temp,4
- Print "BODY" ;start of Body chunk
- WriteMem 0,&slen,4 ;bytes of actual sample data
- WriteMem 0,sndstart,slen ;OK, finally! Write the data
- CloseFile 0
- Use Window 0
- Else ;DOS error - could not save the file!
- error=1
- EndIf
- Else
- error=0 ;sorry, that sample doesn't exist!
- EndIf
- Function Return error
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; DO NOT run this demo until you've replaced the sample
- ;; names given!
- ; LoadSound 0,"ram:test.iff"}
- ; Delay_ 100 ; shouldn't be needed, but just in case...!
- ; ok.b=SaveSound {0,"ram:copy_of_test.iff"}
- ; Select ok ;if ok<>-1 an error occurred!
- ; Case 0
- ; Request "","You don't have a sample loaded ","Doh!"
- ; Case 1
- ; Request "","Disk error - sample not saved","OH NO!"
- ; End Select
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function SoundTime { sound number }
- ; Author : Curt Esser - camge@ix.netcom.com
- ; Returns number of vblanks taken to play the given
- ; sound at the default rate.
- Function.w SoundTime {snd.w}
- If NTSC=-1
- vrate.b=60
- Else
- vrate.b=50
- EndIf
- period.w=Peek.w(Addr Sound (snd)+4) ;get the period from sound object
- l.l=Peek.w(Addr Sound (snd)+6) ;get the length from sound object
- If l<0 Then l+64000 ;correct for unsigned value if needed
- lngth.l=l*2 ;convert to true length of sample
- frequency.f = 3579440/period ;convert to true frequency
- delay.w=lngth/(frequency/vrate) ;convert to playing time in VBlanks
- delay+5 ;add a bit of padding for short samples
- Function Return delay
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; IMPORTANT!!! Alter filename below to a sample on your disk!
- ; LoadSound 0,"sys:storage/goodjob.iff"
- ; NPrint ""
- ; NPrint "Playing sample..."
- ; NPrint ""
- ; Sound 0,15
- ; VWait SoundTime{0} ; wait until sample has finished before printing info :
- ; NPrint "Sound 0 uses ",SoundTime{0}," vblanks..."
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .Hardware
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This section deals with routines which find hardware
- ; information, as well as routines which directly access
- ; hardware instead of using the OS (and therefore might
- ; not be future-compatible).
- ; Where this is the case, I've marked the routines with :
- ; "NOTE - Direct hardware access (may not be future-compatible)."
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; GoNTSC {}
- ; GoPAL {}
- ; FilterOn {}
- ; FilterOff {}
- ; ChipSet {}
- ; Unhook { device: }
- ; Hookup { device: }
- ; IsAGA{}
- ; GetCPU {}
- ; GetFPU {}
- ; KeyCodeR {}
- ; NewNTSC {}
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : GoNTSC {}
- ; Blitz's ForceNTSC causes an Enforcer hit - this doesn't :)
- ; NOTE - Direct hardware access (may not be future-compatible).
- Statement GoNTSC {}
- MOVE #0,$dff1dc
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; See GoPAL{}
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : GoPAL {}
- ; Blitz's ForcePAL causes an Enforcer hit - this doesn't :)
- ; NOTE - Direct hardware access (may not be future-compatible).
- Statement GoPAL {}
- MOVE #32,$dff1dc
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE that this demo calls GoNTSC {} as well.
- ; If NTSC
- ; Request "","Going into PAL mode for two seconds...","OK"
- ; GoPAL {}
- ; Delay_100
- ; GoNTSC {}
- ; Else
- ; Request "","Going into NTSC mode for two seconds...","OK"
- ; GoNTSC {}
- ; Delay_100
- ; GoPAL {}
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : FilterOn {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Switches hardware filter on, like "Filter", but saves
- ; a tiny amount on executable size ;)
- ; Switching the filter on cuts out higher frequencies,
- ; making the sound more muffled, but reducing noise.
- ; NOTE : If you must use the Filter command still, the
- ; "controls" are reversed! "Filter On" turns it off,
- ; and vice versa!
- ; NOTE - Direct hardware access (may not be future-compatible).
- Statement FilterOn {}
- Poke.b $bfe001,0
- End Statement
- ; demo : see demo for FilterOff {}
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : FilterOff {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Switches hardware filter off, like "Filter", but saves
- ; a tiny amount on executable size ;)
- ; NOTE : If you must use the Filter command still, the
- ; "controls" are reversed! "Filter On" turns it off,
- ; and vice versa!
- ; NOTE - Direct hardware access (may not be future-compatible).
- Statement FilterOff {}
- Poke.b $bfe001,2
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE: Replace "goodjob.iff" with a sample on YOUR
- ;; hard drive!
- ; LoadSound 0,"sys:storage/goodjob.iff"
- ; FilterOn {}
- ; Sound 0,15
- ; Delay_100
- ; FilterOff {}
- ; Sound 0,15
- ; Delay_100
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ChipSet {}
- ; Returns a string according to chipset in the
- ; Amiga it's run on (OCS/ECS/AGA/AAA(!)/Unknown).
- ; NOTE - Direct hardware access (may not be future-compatible).
- ; I THINK this does direct hardware access anyway - the Lisa
- ; command deals with finding the chipset.
- Function.s ChipSet {}
- chip.w=Lisa
- Select chip
- Case $00
- chip$="OCS"
- Case $F7
- chip$="ECS"
- Case $F8
- chip$="AGA"
- Case $F9
- chip$="AAA (Prototype)"
- Default
- chip$="unknown"
- End Select
- Function Return chip$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; Request "","This is an "+ChipSet{}+" Amiga!","OK"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : Unhook { device: }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; "Unplugs" the specified drive.
- ; IMPORTANT!!! This function can be very dangerous if you
- ; don't know what you're doing!!!
- ; Don't call it on the DISK's name, call it on the
- ; DEVICE name (if you don't know what that means, you shouldn't
- ; be using this!)...using the disk name will "busy" the disk,
- ; but won't be able to "reconnect" it (see Hookup{} function)
- ; because the OS asks you to insert the disk (whereas it won't
- ; ask for the device). Therefore this returns 0 if you try
- ; to do that.
- Function.b Unhook {device$}
- If DeviceName$(device$)=device$ Then Function Return 0
- If Inhibit_(&device$, -1)
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; The demo's in the Hookup {} demo section...
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : Hookup { device: }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; "Reconnects" the specified drive, disconnected with
- ; Unhook {}.
- ; IMPORTANT!!! This function can be very dangerous if you
- ; don't know what you're doing!!!
- ; Don't call it on the disk's name, call it on the
- ; DEVICE name (if you don't know what that means, don't
- ; mess with it!)...see Unhook{} function.
- Function.b Hookup {device$}
- If Inhibit_(&device$, 0)
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; WARNING!!! Do NOT test until you've saved all work!!!
- ; NoCli
- ; dr$="SYS:"
- ; r$="WARNING!!!||This demo will make your "+dr$+" partition BUSY for a while!||Click on Cancel to Abort!||Click on OK "
- ; r$+"if all work is saved...||You'll have to reboot if it fails to reconnect the drive!"
- ; If Request ("",r$,"OK|Cancel")=0 Then End
- ; If Unhook {dr$}
- ; Request "","Go and try to access the "+dr$+" drive before|you click on OK...","OK"
- ; If Hookup {dr$}=0 Then Request "","* Failed! *||Uh-oh...I'd better re-boot!","Reboot":ColdReboot_
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : IsAGA{}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns True (-1) if it's an AGA machine. This makes for
- ; a much smaller executable than CheckAGA (around half-size :)
- ; Note that AGA is only activated after AGA machines have
- ; their SetPatch program run!
- Function.b IsAGA {}
- lib$="graphics.library"
- *gfxbase.GfxBase=OpenLibrary_(&lib$,33)
- If *gfxbase
- If *gfxbase\ChipRevBits0 AND #GFXB_AA_ALICE
- aga.b=-1
- Else aga=0
- EndIf
- CloseLibrary_ *gfxbase
- EndIf
- Function Return aga
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; If IsAGA{} Then Request "","AGA!","OK" Else Request "","Non-AGA!","OK"
- ; End
- ;; That's right! All of the above, including the function itself, gives
- ;; a smaller executable than this :
- ; If CheckAGA Then Request "","AGA!","OK" Else Request "","Non-AGA!","OK"
- ; End
- ;; Compile 'em separately and see :)
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : GetCPU {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns the type of (68k!) processor installed in the system.
- ; Return values :
- ; 0 = 68000
- ; 1 = 68010
- ; 2 = 68020
- ; 3 = 68030
- ; 4 = 68040 ; note - no 5! ;)
- ; 6 = 68060
- Function.b GetCPU {}
- cpu.b=0
- *e.ExecBase = Peek.l(4)
- #AFF_68060=(1 LSL 7) ; flag for 060, not in Blitz includes
- If *e
- If *e\AttnFlags & #AFF_68010 ; gotta do it like this,
- If *e\AttnFlags & #AFF_68020 ; cos each processor has the
- If *e\AttnFlags & #AFF_68030 ; flags of the previous processor
- If *e\AttnFlags & #AFF_68040 ; set, too...
- If *e\AttnFlags & #AFF_68060
- cpu=6
- Else cpu=4
- EndIf
- Else cpu=3
- EndIf
- Else cpu=2
- EndIf
- Else cpu=1
- EndIf
- Else cpu=0
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Function Return cpu
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; NPrint "You have a 680",GetCPU{},"0 processor..."
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : GetFPU {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns the type of FPU (if any) installed in the system.
- ; Return values :
- ; 0 = No FPU
- ; 1 = 68881 FPU
- ; 2 = 68882 FPU
- ; 3 = 68040 FPU (no math emulation) ; 040.library not loaded
- ; 4 = 68040 FPU (math emulation)
- ; 5 = 68060 FPU (no math emulation) ; 060.library not loaded
- ; 6 = 68060 FPU (math emulation)
- Function.b GetFPU {}
- fpu.b=0
- *e.ExecBase = Peek.l(4)
- #AFF_68060=(1 LSL 7)
- If *e
- If *e\AttnFlags & #AFF_68881
- If *e\AttnFlags & #AFF_68882
- fpu=2
- Else fpu=1
- EndIf
- If *e\AttnFlags & #AFF_FPU40
- fpu=4 ; 68040 FPU (math emulation)
- If *e\AttnFlags & #AFF_68060 ; check for 060...
- fpu=6 ; 68060 FPU (math emulation)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Else fpu=0 ; No 68881 or 68882
- If *e\AttnFlags & #AFF_FPU40 ; check if it's an 040 without 6888x emulation...
- fpu=3 ; 68040 FPU (no math emulation)
- If *e\AttnFlags & #AFF_68060 ; check for 060...
- fpu=5 ; 68060 FPU (no math emulation)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Function Return fpu
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; Select GetFPU{}
- ; Case 0
- ; fpu$="None"
- ; Case 1
- ; fpu$="68881"
- ; Case 2
- ; fpu$="68882"
- ; Case 3
- ; fpu$="68040 FPU (no math emulation)"
- ; Case 4
- ; fpu$="68040 FPU (math emulation)"
- ; Case 5
- ; fpu$="68060 FPU (no math emulation)"
- ; Case 6
- ; fpu$="68060 FPU (math emulation)"
- ; End Select
- ; NPrint "Your FPU type : ",fpu$
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : KeyCodeR {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; NOTE - this is adapted from Paul Bowlay's BlitzOp.guide.
- ; Size-saving replacement for KeyCode.
- ; A test program using Blitz's "KeyCode" turned out an
- ; executable of 19 K/bytes; replacing KeyCode with this
- ; function resulted in an executable of 3 K/bytes!
- ; Unlikely to be future-proof, since it reads the hardware
- ; directly, but then, I'd guess KeyCode does too ;)
- ; NOTE - Direct hardware access (may not be future-compatible).
- Function.w KeyCodeR {}
- Function Return Peek($bfec00) AND $ff
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; IMPORTANT!!! Click outside the Blitz CLI window before
- ;; pressing any keys, or you'll just stop the CLI output!
- ;; press ESCAPE to stop!
- ; Repeat
- ; VWait
- ; e.w=KeyCodeR {}
- ; NPrint e
- ; Until e=117
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : NewNTSC {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Exec-size saving replacement for NTSC.
- Function.b NewNTSC {}
- lib$="graphics.library"
- *gb.GfxBase=OpenLibrary_(&lib$,0)
- If *gb
- If *gb\DisplayFlags AND #REALLY_PAL Then p.b=0 Else p=-1
- CloseLibrary_ *gb
- EndIf
- Function Return p
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; If NewNTSC {}
- ; NPrint "NTSC machine."
- ; Else NPrint "PAL machine."
- ; EndIf
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .Strings
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This section contains routines which manipulate strings in
- ; some way.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; Quoted { text }
- ; StripToDot { filename }
- ; Value { number as string }
- ; SLen { string }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : Quoted { text }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Puts quotes around a file name,so that if your user has
- ; entered a file name containing spaces,it'll still be OK.
- ; Useful for some file requester returned strings,or appicons.
- Function.s Quoted{a$}
- a$=Chr$(34)+a$+Chr$(34)
- Function Return a$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; Print "Enter a file name containing spaces : "
- ; f$=Edit$(30)
- ; NPrint "":NPrint Quoted{f$}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : StripToDot { filename }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; UPDATED by Nick Clover - nick@bauk.freeserve.co.uk
- ; - small optimisation!
- ; I use this in a program to strip file extensions off.
- ; eg. doing StripToDot{"reqtools.library"} would return
- ; just "reqtools".
- ; NOTE : some files will have more than one dot (period) !
- Function.s StripToDot{a$}
- For a.w=Len(a$) To 1 Step -1
- If Mid$(a$,a,1)="." Then a$=Left$(a$,a-1):a=1
- Next a
- Function Return a$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; Print "Enter a string with an extension (eg help.txt) : "
- ; a$=StripToDot{Edit$(25)}
- ; NPrint "":Print "New name : ",a$
- ; NPrint "":NPrint "Click the mouse to end..."
- ; MouseWait:End
- ; demo 2 :
- ;; I use it along with StripFile{} to just return
- ;; the file part of a path & file (eg "Work:Pics/Amiga.iff"
- ;; will be returned as "Amiga".
- ; a$=StripToDot{ StripFile{"Work:Pics/Amiga.iff"} }
- ; NPrint a$:MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : Value { number as string }
- ; Author : Curt Esser - camge@ix.netcom.com
- ; This function returns correct values
- ; for very large numbers - Blitz doesn't!
- ; Probably saves quite a bit on executable size too.
- Function.l Value {input$}
- valu.l=0
- chars.w=StrToLong_(&input$,&valu)
- Function Return valu
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; test$="1087504386"
- ; NPrint "Blitz's Val : ",Val(test$)
- ; NPrint "Value{} function : ",Value{test$}
- ; MouseWait
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : SLen { string }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Executable-size-saving replacement for Len ().
- Function.l SLen{a$}
- stlen.l=Peek.l(&a$-4)
- Function Return stlen
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; NPrint SLen{"Hello"}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .FileIO
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This section contains routines that involve disk
- ; or file access in general.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; ShowInfo { directory, icon, screen number }
- ; StripFile { path & file name }
- ; CreateDir { new directory }
- ; CheckLib { library, version }
- ; OSAssign { assign name, path, type }
- ; Del { file }
- ; OpenShell { x, y, width, height, title, flag(s) }
- ; Name { old file name, new name For File }
- ; FileTime { filename }
- ; FileDate { filename }
- ; SetComment { filename, comment }
- ; ReadComment { filename }
- ; Exist { filename }
- ; CompareDates { file 1, file 2 }
- ; RunFromWB { program }
- ; ShowWhy {}
- ; SetProtect { file, flags }
- ; AskForDisk { disk name }
- ; DelIcon { icon }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : ShowInfo { directory, icon, screen number }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Puts up the icon information requester (or replacement like
- ; SwazInfo/WBInfo) onto the requested screen.
- ; You supply :
- ; 1) The directory of the file,
- ; 2) The file name (IMPORTANT!!! DO NOT add .info onto the end!!!)
- ; also, the file doesn't have to have its own icon.
- ; 3) The screen number - therefore, you have to have a screen
- ; in use, but it can use ANY Intuition screen :)
- ; NOTE : For some reason, the icon information requester
- ; still pops up if you give it a non-existent file!
- Statement ShowInfo {dir$,icon$,skreen.b}
- *scr.Screen=Peek.l(Addr Screen(skreen)) ; get screen structure for wbinfo_() call
- *lok.l=Lock_(&dir$,#ACCESS_READ) ; get a lock on the directory for the call
- If *scr ; make sure we've got a screen structure
- If *lok ; and a directory lock
- If WBInfo_(*lok,&icon$,*scr) ; the Icon Info call!
- Else Request "","Error showing icon information!","Oh..."
- EndIf
- UnLock_ *lok ; free our directory lock
- Else Request "","Couldn't get lock on directory!","Oh..."
- EndIf
- Else Request "","Doh!||The programmer has asked for a non-existent screen!","Duh..."
- EndIf
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; WBenchToFront_ : FindScreen 0 ; needed for requester
- ; ShowInfo {"c:","copy",0}
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : StripFile { path & file name }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns the file part of a path & file string,eg from a
- ; reqtools file requester or an appicon.
- Function.s StripFile{p$}
- *fileptr.l = FilePart_(&p$)
- f$=Peek$(*fileptr)
- Function Return f$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; MaxLen f$=192 ; needed for RTEZLoadFile
- ; FindScreen 0 ; same here
- ; a$=RTEZLoadFile("Select file",f$)
- ; If a$="" Then End
- ; Request "","The file part of "+a$+"|is : "+StripFile{a$},"OK"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : CreateDir { new directory }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Tries to create a new directory. You have to supply the full
- ; path name of the directory you want to create.
- ; Returns False (0) for a failure (try doing Exists() on the
- ; directory you're trying to create - it may already exist.
- Function.l CreateDir{dir$}
- *lock.l = CreateDir_(&dir$)
- If *lock
- UnLock_ *lock
- EndIf
- Function Return *lock
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; If CreateDir{"Ram:Test"}
- ; NPrint "New drawer created!"
- ; Else NPrint "Failed to create new drawer..."
- ; If Exists ("Ram:Test") Then NPrint "Drawer already exists!"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : CheckLib { library, version }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; copied from suggestion by Paul Burkey ;)
- ; Minor bugfix (was harmless) - changed OpenLibrary_() result's
- ; type to .Library instead of .l, which is how it's meant to be!
- ; Checks library versions.
- ; Throw it at the start of your code,then do :
- ; getit.Library=CheckLib {"some.library",version}
- ; ...where "some.library" is the library you need to check for,
- ; and version is the version number you need (0 if it doesn't
- ; matter)...
- ; It returns True (-1) for success, False (0) for fail...duh... ;)
- ; NOTE : Don't use subversions for the version number -
- ; you can only use integers (this is an OS rule, not mine!),
- ; eg for madeup.library v2.21 you would call :
- ; x.Library = CheckLib {"madeup.library",2}
- ; Just repeat that call for each library you need.
- ; Use SnoopDos to see if your program requires a particular
- ; version,otherwise you can usually just use 0.
- Function.b CheckLib {lib$,libv.w}
- *lib.Library=OpenLibrary_(&lib$,libv)
- If *lib
- CloseLibrary_ *lib
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; lib$="reqtools.library" ; library to check for,
- ; libv.b=38 ; version number needed.
- ; If CheckLib {lib$,libv}=0 Then Request "ERROR!","You need "+lib$+" v"+Str$(libv)+"!","Abort":End
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : OSAssign { assign name, path, type }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; This function creates an assign and returns True if
- ; successful, false if not.
- ; The parameters are the assign name (eg. "MyAss:"), the
- ; path which this assign refers to (eg. "Work:Gfx/Pics"),
- ; and the type of assign - True (-1) for Path, or False (0)
- ; for a Late assign.
- ; Path assigns are activated immediately, Late assigns
- ; only activate when you try to use them (saves clogging
- ; up file/path requesters for a start :)
- ; I've called it OSAssign to avoid confusion with the BSS command
- ; Assign.
- ; Also, the function checks for the existence of the path
- ; you specify, since you CAN assign a name to a non-existent
- ; drawer! It returns False (0) if the path doesn't exist.
- ; Sore Point : Don't know how to remove it, except for :
- ; Execute_ "run >NIL: assign <assign> REMOVE",0,0
- Function.b OSAssign {name$,path$,PathOrLate.b}
- If Exists(path$)
- Select PathOrLate
- Case 0 ; LATE assign...starts when accessed.
- If AssignLate_(&name$,&path$)
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- Case -1 ; PATH assign...starts immediately.
- If AssignPath_(&name$,&path$)
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- Default
- Function Return 0
- End Select
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE : To remove the assign after testing, go to the CLI and
- ;; type "assign MyAss: REMOVE" (without the quotes!).
- ; If OSAssign {"MyAss","SYS:C/",-1} ; -1=path assign...
- ; Request "","Success! MyAss: is assigned to the SYS:C/ drawer!","OK"
- ; Else Request "","Couldn't assign MyAss: !","OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : Del { file }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Deletes a file, returning True (-1) for success, False (0)
- ; for failure to delete.
- Function.b Del {f$}
- If DeleteFile_ (&f$)
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE : Change the filename before running this demo!
- ; If Del {"RAM:MadeUpFile.iff"}
- ; Request "","Deleted!","OK"
- ; Else Request "","Couldn't delete file!","OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : OpenShell { x, y, width, height, title, flag(s) }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; This function opens a full CLI window for your user to
- ; do their stuff (deleting/copying files, anything a normal shell
- ; can do).
- ; Program flow is halted until the user closes the shell window,
- ; either by clicking on the close gadget (if available) or by
- ; typing "endcli".
- ; See the error codes and demo to check whether the shell
- ; function was a success.
- ; You don't really need to check as much as in the demo;
- ; just check if OpenShell{}=-1 (successful).
- ; Note that the width and height aren't too important - the
- ; window will be made to fit the screen if you give parameters
- ; which are too large.
- ; I didn't check the freeing of the console memory (Close_()),
- ; as there's not much you can do if it doesn't free it!
- Function.b OpenShell {x.w,y.w,w.w,h.w,title$,flag$}
- win$="CON:"+Str$(x)+"/"+Str$(y)+"/"+Str$(w)+"/"+Str$(h)+"/"+title$+"/"+UCase$(flag$)
- ; Error codes returned :
- ; ----------------------
- ; -1 = Success.
- ; 0 = Failed to setup console.
- ; 1 = Failed to create shell from console.
- ; 2 = Failed to create shell, failed to close console.
- ; 3 = Succeeded in creating shell, failed to close console.
- ; What it checks for :
- ; --------------------
- ; Did it create the console window?
- ; Did it turn the console window into a shell?
- ; Did it close the console?
- ; Combinations of these...
- ; Possible Flags :
- ; ----------------
- ; (Some of these won't do anything - they are for use on
- ; non-Shell console windows, eg. information consoles.)
- ; Flags are separated by a slash / and can be combined...
- ; ALT - adds a zoom gadget and sets the "zoomed" size :
- ; Format : ALTx/y/width/height (NOTE - no space
- ; between ALT and the first number!)
- ; eg. ALT20/20/300/100
- ; Others (these descriptions are pretty much the same as
- ; Blitz window flags) :
- ; NOTES : NOBORDER leaves the right-hand border and part
- ; of the top for some reason!
- ; SCREEN - supply the name of the screen to open the window
- ; on, after the SCREEN keyword...eg. CLOSE/SCREEN MadeupScreen/SMART
- ; SIMPLE - default : text resizes to fit in shrunken/
- ; expanded window.
- ; SMART - text doesn't resize.
- ; WAIT - will only close via close gadget or Ctrl-\
- ; No use in a Shell window.
- *fh.l=Open_(&win$,#MODE_READWRITE)
- If *fh
- If Execute_ ("",*fh,0)=0 ; failure to create shell :
- If Close_ (*fh)=0
- Function Return 2 ; failed to create shell AND close console
- Else Function Return 1 ; failed to create shell from console
- EndIf
- Else
- If Close_ (*fh)=0
- Function Return 3 ; succeeded in creating shell, failed to close console
- Else Function Return -1 ; TOTAL SUCCESS :)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Else Function Return 0 ; failed to setup console
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; result.b=OpenShell{0,50,640,100,"Hello, I'm a CLI!","CLOSE/ALT30/30/100/100"}
- ; Select result
- ; Case -1
- ; error$="Shell function was a success!"
- ; Case 0
- ; error$="Failed to setup console window!"
- ; Case 1
- ; error$="Failed to create shell from console!"
- ; Case 2
- ; error$="Opened console|Failed to create shell|Can't close console!"
- ; Case 3
- ; error$="Succeeded in creating shell|Couldn't close shell window!"
- ; End Select
- ; Request "",error$,"OK"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : Name { old file name, new name for file }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; This function tries to rename a file to the new name,
- ; returning True (-1) for success, False (0) for failure.
- Function.b Name {old$,new$}
- If Rename_ (&old$,&new$)
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; IMPORTANT!!! Change the path/file to ones on your system!
- ;; Choose unimportant ones to save too much hassle!
- ; If Name {"Stuff:temp/pic.iff","Stuff:temp/pix.iff"}=0
- ; Request "","Couldn't rename file!","OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : FileTime { filename }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns a string containing the time the file was created.
- ; Useful with FileDate.
- Function.s FileTime {f$}
- lock.l=Lock_(&f$,#ACCESS_READ)
- If lock
- DEFTYPE .FileInfoBlock fib
- If Examine_(lock, fib) <> 0
- *date.DateStamp=&fib\fib_Date
- time.l=*date\ds_Minute ; minutes past midnight
- hrs.w=time/60
- mns.w=time-(hrs*60)
- time$+Right$("0"+Str$(hrs),2)+":" ; hours
- time$+Right$("0"+Str$(mns),2)+":" ; minutes
- time$+Right$("0"+Str$(*date\ds_Tick/50),2) ; seconds
- Else time$=""
- EndIf
- UnLock_ lock
- Else time$=""
- EndIf
- Function Return time$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; f$="SYS:Utilities/Multiview"
- ; Request "","File modification time for :||"+f$+" :||"+FileTime{f$},"OK"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : FileDate { filename }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns "Last modified" date of a file as a string.
- ; See manual for Date$ and DateFormat entries (page 119 for
- ; Blitz 2) for formatting options.
- Function.s FileDate {f$}
- lock.l=Lock_(&f$,#ACCESS_READ)
- If lock
- DEFTYPE .FileInfoBlock fib
- If Examine_(lock, fib) <> 0
- *date.DateStamp=&fib\fib_Date
- dt$=Date$(*date\ds_Days)
- Else dt$=""
- EndIf
- UnLock_ lock
- Else dt$=""
- EndIf
- Function Return dt$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; f$="SYS:Utilities/Multiview"
- ; d$=FileDate{f$}
- ; Request "","Last modification date of :||"+f$+" :||"+d$+".","OK"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : SetComment { filename, comment }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Tries to write a file comment to the specified file.
- ; (The comment appears in the Comment section when you look
- ; at a file's icon using the Icon/Information menu item
- ; from Workbench.)
- ; Returns True (-1) if it's successful,False (0) if it fails.
- Function.l SetComment{fname$,comment$}
- a.l=SetComment_ (&fname$,&comment$)
- Function Return a
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; filename$="ram:t" ; adds a comment to the Ram:T drawer
- ; If SetComment{filename$,"Hello,I'm a comment!"}=-1
- ; Request "","Done it! Now click on the file's icon|and go to the WB Icons/Information menu...","OK"
- ; Else Request "","Failed to write comment!","Doh!"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ReadComment { filename }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Reads the file comment of the file/drawer you specify.
- ; Note that you can check for Lock_ and Examine_ failures
- ; by uncommenting the appropriate lines in the function itself,
- ; otherwise it just returns "".
- Function.s ReadComment {f$}
- lock.l=Lock_(&f$,#ACCESS_READ)
- If lock
- DEFTYPE .FileInfoBlock fib
- If Examine_(lock, fib) <> 0
- comment$=Peek$(&fib\fib_Comment)
- ; Else comment$="Failed to examine file"
- ; ^ Uncomment if you want to check for failure instead of returning ""
- EndIf
- UnLock_ lock
- ; Else comment$="Lock failure"
- ; ^ Uncomment if you want to check for failure instead of returning ""
- EndIf
- Function Return comment$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; WARNING!!! Demo uses the SetComment {} function above!
- ;; After running, click on the file and choose Information
- ;; from the Workbench menus.
- ; fl$="RAM:T/" ; file to set/read comment on...
- ; If SetComment {fl$,"Hello, I'm a comment!"}
- ; comment$=ReadComment {fl$}
- ; Request "","Comment for file : ||"+fl$+"||"+Chr$(34)+comment$+Chr$(34),"OK"
- ; Else Request "","Failed to set comment!","Doh!"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : Exist { filename }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; NOTE : This function replaces the IsThere {} function,
- ; since IsThere {} only told you if the file was there.
- ; Full replacement for Exists(), but uses OS functions to return
- ; file size.
- ; Return values :
- ; (size) - if none of the below, it's the file's size!
- ; 0 - can't get a lock (read : file isn't there)
- ; -1 - file is a directory or disk (same as Exists returns)
- ; -2 - got lock but couldn't get size (Examine_ failed - rare!)
- ; This will reduce the size of an executable as well as the fact
- ; that Exists keeps a file locked until the program ends,
- ; meaning you can't delete it or perform some other operations
- ; on it :
- ; eg. This won't delete the file :
- ; If Exists("SYS:multiview")
- ; DeleteFile_ "sys:multiview" ; uh-uh - file's
- ; EndIf ; locked by Exists!
- ; But this will :
- ; If Exist {"SYS:multiview"}
- ; DeleteFile_ "sys:multiview"
- ; EndIf
- Function.l Exist {f$}
- lock.l=Lock_(&f$,#ACCESS_READ)
- If lock
- DEFTYPE .FileInfoBlock fib
- If Examine_(lock, fib) <> 0
- If fib\fib_DirEntryType < 0
- size=Peek.l(&fib\fib_Size) ; file
- Else size=-1 ; drawer
- EndIf
- Else size=-2 ; failed to examine file! rare occurence!
- EndIf
- UnLock_ lock
- Else size=0 ; failed to lock file (doesn't exist basically)...
- EndIf
- Function Return size
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; f$="SYS:Utilities/Multiview"
- ; bytes.l=Exist {f$}
- ; Request "","Size of :||"+f$+"||is "+Str$(bytes)+" bytes.","OK"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : CompareDates { file 1, file 2 }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; UPDATED to use OS function CompareDates ()
- ; Compares the dates of two files, and tells you if the
- ; first is older than or newer than (or the same age as) the
- ; second.
- ; Because CompareDates_ (the OS function) can return
- ; any value (0, greater than 0, or less than 0), I had
- ; to return a specific value on "failure to examine/lock"
- ; a file.
- ; I chose -999 since it's reasonably easy to remember, and
- ; I suppose the chances are slim that the function will
- ; return that exact value (though knowing my luck... ;)
- ; It means that you should check for -999 to see if it failed,
- ; and skip the display of relative ages if you get it...
- ; Also, I discovered that you can't use Select...End Select,
- ; because it doesn't like being given "Case <0" / "Case >0" ;)
- Function.l CompareDates {f1$,f2$}
- Dim *dstamp.DateStamp (2)
- Dim fib.FileInfoBlock (2)
- For a=1 To 2
- If a=1 Then f$=f1$ Else f$=f2$ ; the key to my optimisation ;)
- lock.l=Lock_(&f$,#ACCESS_READ)
- If lock
- If Examine_(lock, fib(a)) <> 0
- *dstamp(a)=&fib(a)\fib_Date
- Else UnLock_ lock:Function Return -999
- EndIf
- UnLock_ lock
- Else Function Return -999
- EndIf
- Next a
- result.l=CompareDates_(*dstamp(1),*dstamp(2))
- Function Return result
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; files to compare :
- ; a$="sys:utilities/multiview" ; try swapping a$ and b$ over
- ; b$="c:copy"
- ; res.l=CompareDates{a$,b$}
- ; If res=-999
- ; Request "","Failed to compare dates!","OK"
- ; End
- ; EndIf
- ; If res=0
- ; Request "",a$+" and "+b$+" share the same date","OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; If res<0
- ; Request "",a$+" is newer than "+b$,"OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; If res>0
- ; Request "",a$+" is older than "+b$,"OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : RunFromWB { program }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; (modified from unknown source)
- ; Tries to run the specified program as if run from the
- ; Workbench via an icon (so it can use its tooltypes, etc).
- ; Returns 0 for failure, -1 (True) for success.
- ; If it fails, just try using Execute_ program$,0,0
- ; ie. something like :
- ; If RunFromWB {"sys:utilities/multiview"}=0
- ; Execute_ "run>NIL: sys:utilities/multiview",0,0
- ; EndIf
- Function.b RunFromWB {prog$}
- If Exists(prog$+".info")=0
- Function Return 0
- EndIf
- lib$="wbstart.library"
- libv.l=2
- *lib.l=OpenLibrary_(&lib$,libv.l)
- If *lib
- CloseLibrary_ *lib
- Else Request "","You need wbstart.library v2!","Abort":End
- EndIf
- #WBStart_Name = (#TAG_USER + 1)
- #WBStart_DirectoryName = (#TAG_USER + 2)
- #WBStart_DirectoryLock = (#TAG_USER + 3)
- #WBStart_Stack = (#TAG_USER + 4)
- #WBStart_Priority = (#TAG_USER + 5)
- #WBStart_ArgumentCount = (#TAG_USER + 6)
- #WBStart_ArgumentList = (#TAG_USER + 7)
- olddir.l = CurrentDir_(0)
- Dim wbtags.TagItem(20)
- wbtags(0)\ti_Tag = #WBStart_Name, &prog$
- wbtags(1)\ti_Tag = #WBStart_DirectoryLock, olddir
- success.l = WBStartTagList_(&wbtags(0))
- If success=0 Then success=-1 Else success=0 ; true if ran properly!
- Function Return success
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; program$="sys:utilities/multiview"
- ; If RunFromWB{program$}
- ; Else Execute_ "run >NIL: "+program$,0,0
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ShowWhy {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns a string to explain why a file input/output
- ; operation should have failed - the string comes
- ; directly from the OS...
- ; You can do stuff like :
- ; If Exists("SomeFile.txt")
- ; Request "","Got it !","OK"
- ; Else Request "",ShowWhy {},"OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; Though to be really safe, you should add another character
- ; in a requester (eg. a full-stop, or period), in case
- ; there's no string for some weird reason - shouldn't happen,
- ; but...
- ; Note, you can change the header$ to whatever suits you,
- ; but remember the OS adds a colon :
- Function$ ShowWhy {}
- header$="DOS Error " ; colon : automatically added on...
- err$=String$(" ",256) ; kludge up a string buffer ;)
- error.l=IoErr_() ; find out WTF the problem is...
- If Fault_ (error,&header$,&err$,256) ; get DOS error string...
- Function Return err$ ; send it back...
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; f$="ram:NoSuchDrawer/"
- ; lock.l=Lock_(&f$,0)
- ; If lock=0
- ; Request "","Couldn't lock file!||"+ShowWhy {},"OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : SetProtect { file, flags }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; With help from David McMinn :)
- ; Sets file protection flags from Blitz...
- ; Now you can delete those undeleteable files :)
- ; IMPORTANT - YOU MUST follow the demo, reading the text in
- ; there to understand what's going on - this is pretty
- ; awkward, but it's the easiest way I could do it, thanks
- ; to the weird way the protection flags get set...
- Function.b SetProtect{f$, bits.l}
- If SetProtection_(&f$,bits)
- Function Return -1 ; success
- Else Function Return 0 ; failure
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; Don't uncomment until you're told to ;)
- ;; SPA = Script, Pure, Archive flags.
- ;; RWED = Readable, Writeable, Executable, Deleteable flags.
- ;; This is pretty awkward. basically, if you specify any of the
- ;; SPA bits, they are set and the others (of the SPA) are unset.
- ;; With the RWED bits, any that you specify are UNSET, and
- ;; the other RWED bits are SET (ie the opposite of what happens
- ;; with SPA bits!)
- ;; So to try and make things easier to follow, do it like this;
- ;; first specify which of the SPA bits should be set (separated
- ;; by an | (OR) sign), and then which of the RWED bits should
- ;; be unset, then OR them together...
- ;; Jeez...hopefully, the demo itself will make it easier
- ;; to understand ;)
- ; From memory, these are the available flags you can set :
- ;;------------------------------
- ;; OK, uncomment from here :
- ; SPAbits.l=#FIBF_ARCHIVE ; "A" bit set, "SP" *UNSET*
- ; RWEDbits.l=#FIBF_WRITE|#FIBF_DELETE ; "WD" unset, "RE" *SET*
- ; bits=SPAbits|RWEDbits ; combine (OR) them...
- ; f$="ram:amigaboot.txt" ; change to a non-important file
- ; on YOUR system!
- ; If SetProtect{f$,bits}
- ; Request "","Success!","OK"
- ; Else Request "","Failure!","OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;; now check the file with the icon information requester
- ;; or shell listing...
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : AskForDisk { disk name }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; *Slightly* experimental, but seems OK!
- ; Checks for the requested disk, and returns :
- ; 1 - if it's missing, and the user cancels the "Insert Disk"
- ; requester,
- ; 0 - if the disk is write-protected,
- ; -1 - if the disk is write-enabled.
- ; Handy for load - and particularly - save routines :)
- ; You supply the name of the disk (or drive) and also
- ; the "protected-report-value" : -1 (True) or 0 (False).
- ; If you set the report value to -1, it'll give the
- ; "Retry/Cancel" requester if the disk is write-protected
- ; whereas setting report to 0 will suppress this, so you can
- ; just give 'em your "Well, f*** you, then!" message :)
- ; Basically, if it's -1, they get as many chances as they
- ; like to unprotect the disk and try again (or hit Cancel)...
- Function.b AskForDisk {d$,report.b}
- DEFTYPE.InfoData fi
- lok.l=Lock_(&d$,#MODE_OLDFILE)
- If lok
- begin
- If Info_(lok,&fi)
- If fi\id_DiskState=#ID_WRITE_PROTECTED
- If report
- If ErrorReport_ (#ERROR_DISK_WRITE_PROTECTED,1,lok,0)=0
- Goto begin
- Else UnLock_ lok:Function Return 0 ; write-protected
- EndIf
- Else UnLock_ lok:Function Return 0
- EndIf
- Else Function Return -1 ; write-enabled
- EndIf
- EndIf
- UnLock_ lok
- EndIf
- Function Return 1 ; no disk
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; Try it with protected and unprotected disks, no disks,
- ; and stuff like CD-ROMs, with report set to 0 or -1 for
- ; each, then you'll get the hang of it... ;)
- ; disk$="DF0:"
- ; Select AskForDisk {disk$,-1} ; -1 : Retry/Cancel if protected
- ; Case 1
- ; Request "","You never inserted "+disk$+" !","OK"
- ; Case 0
- ; Request "","Volume "+disk$+" is write-protected!","Fail"
- ; Case -1
- ; Request "","Volume "+disk$+" is write-enabled!","OK"
- ; End Select
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : DelIcon { icon }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Deletes the specified icon. Automatically removes ".info"
- ; from icon name if you supply it (you're not supposed to ;)
- ; This function updates the Workbench screen so that the
- ; icon disappears if it was visible :)
- Function DelIcon {icon$}
- If Right$(icon$,5)=".info" Then icon$=Left$(icon$,Len(icon$)-5)
- If DeleteDiskObject_ (&icon$)
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; note that if you supplied "test" below instead of "test.info",
- ;; it would still ONLY delete the icon, not the program "test"!
- ;; oh, and it's safe to call even if the icon's not there, or
- ;; if it's a default "Show all files" type of icon.
- ; If DelIcon {"ram:test.info"} ; ...replace with something on
- ; Request "","Deleted","OK" ; YOUR system!
- ; Else Request "","Not deleted","OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;; Handy hint : the ShowWhy {} function can tell you why it
- ;; fails to delete the non-existent icon in the demo (or
- ;; any other reason) :
- ;; Replace the "Not deleted" requester text with
- ;; "Not deleted||"+ShowWhy{} to get the DOS error if it fails
- ;; to delete the icon. You'll have to paste both of these
- ;; functions into a separate program in order to test it though.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .Memory
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; These routines deal with memory access or information.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; MemoryFree { type }
- ; FlushMem {}
- ; FlushLib { library[.library] }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : MemoryFree { type }
- ; Author : Carl Read - carl@cybercraft.co.nz
- ; Slight update : renamed it, cos I could never remember
- ; what Memory {} was for ;)
- ; Returns size of largest block of available memory -
- ; use these flags (mostly just use $0, $1, $2, $4, $8000) :
- ; $0 Any type of memory (0)
- ; $1 Public (1)
- ; $2 Chip (2)
- ; $4 Fast (4)
- ; $100 Local (256)
- ; $200 DMAable (512)
- ; $400 KickTags (1024)
- ; $20000 Largest chunk (131072)
- ; $80000 Total memory (524288)
- ; Note that you can add them together, eg. to check for
- ; largest single block of Chip RAM, you'd use $2|$20000...
- ; Oh, and you can replace the numbers with the Blitz
- ; constants - I've just forgotten them all and can't
- ; be bothered looking ;)
- Function.l MemoryFree {flag.l}
- Function Return AvailMem_(flag)
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; NPrint MemoryFree {$2} ; $100 from the table above is Chip mem...
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : FlushMem {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Same as calling "Avail Flush" from the CLI.
- ; This makes sure your program has as much free memory as
- ; possible before starting, loading files, etc.
- ; Note that some programs don't like having memory flushed at
- ; certain times (this is the same with "Avail Flush" though),
- ; so use sparingly!
- ; Note that there's no need for this to check the return value
- ; - it's ALWAYS zero!
- ; This is the way described in the docs for PoolMem, and
- ; if you run a program called MemPatch (from Aminet), you'll
- ; see that "Avail Flush" does exactly the same thing ("Avail
- ; Flush" calls this about 10-15 times though, each time, so
- ; maybe you'll want to do that...)
- ; Also, this clears out unused libraries, fonts, etc as well,
- ; because they get freed only when memory's low, and I think
- ; this call makes them believe that's the case...does work
- ; though :)
- Statement FlushMem {}
- AllocMem_ $7ffffff0,#MEMF_PUBLIC
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE - if there's not much memory to be freed, you
- ;; sometimes find that you lose a few bytes while your
- ;; program's trying to free the memory, but try running
- ;; and quitting something big, like Voyager, or calling it
- ;; right after you've done a whole load of programming
- ;; (after you've saved your work, obviously!!!), and you
- ;; should see a big difference...
- ; NPrint ""
- ; av1.l=AvailMem_ (#MEMF_PUBLIC)
- ; NPrint "Available memory : ",av1," bytes."
- ; NPrint ""
- ; FlushMem {}
- ; av2.l=AvailMem_ (#MEMF_PUBLIC)
- ; NPrint "Available memory : ",av2," bytes."
- ; NPrint ""
- ; NPrint "Freed ",-(av1-av2)," bytes." ; if printed number's negative, it's used memory!
- ; NPrint ""
- ; NPrint "Click mouse..."
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : FlushLib { library[.library] }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Flushes CLI-specified library from system
- ; if it's not in use.
- ; RemLibrary () doesn't return a value, hence the reason
- ; this is just a straight statement.
- ; Adapted from Krzysztof Cmok's E source.
- ; More for show, really - better to use the FlushMem {}
- ; statement further up - it does the same as "Avail Flush",
- ; which frees all libraries, fonts, etc which aren't in use
- ; automatically. This is just a nice demo of how to do
- ; this kind of thing :)
- Statement FlushLib {library$}
- *exec.ExecBase=Peek.l(4)
- *mylist.List=*exec\LibList ; replace DeviceList with LibList, etc...
- Forbid_
- *libnode.Node=FindName_ (*mylist,&library$)
- If *libnode
- RemLibrary_ *libnode
- EndIf
- Permit_
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ;; Create as an executable and supply the library
- ;; name (with .library ending, eg "stc.library")
- ;; you want to flush...note that most libraries will
- ;; be in use, but try running a MUI program and calling
- ;; this on some of the MUI libraries to see it work
- ;; (in XOpa or similar).
- ; If NumPars
- ; a$=Par$(1)
- ; FlushLib {a$}
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .CLIOnly
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; These are routines which unfortunately only work in
- ; programs which are run from the CLI. I don't have
- ; versions that work from Workbench-run programs, otherwise
- ; this section wouldn't be here!
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; ParentDir { directory }
- ; CurrentDir {}
- ; GetArg {}
- ; SetProgName { new program name }
- ; TextMode { style }
- ; Echo { text }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ParentDir { directory }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns a string with the parent directory of a given
- ; directory.
- ; Only works from CLI-run programs :(
- Function.s ParentDir{dir$}
- *lok.l=Lock_(&dir$,#ACCESS_READ)
- If *lok
- *newlock.l=ParentDir_(*lok)
- If *newlock
- *stringbuffer = AllocMem_(255, 0)
- n.l=NameFromLock_ (*newlock, *stringbuffer, 255)
- If n
- lockname$=Peek$(*stringbuffer)
- Function Return lockname$
- EndIf
- UnLock_ (*newlock)
- EndIf
- UnLock_(*lok)
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; d$="Sys:Devs/DosDrivers"
- ; Print ParentDir{d$}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : CurrentDir {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns a string with the current directory name
- ; only works with CLI-run programs :(
- Function.s CurrentDir{}
- *stringbuffer = AllocMem_(255, 0)
- suc.l=GetCurrentDirName_(*stringbuffer,255)
- If suc
- cdirname$=Peek$(*stringbuffer)
- Function Return cdirname$
- Else Request "Info","Couldn't get current directory name!","Oh..."
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; a$=CurrentDir{}
- ; Print a$
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : GetArg {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; CLI only :(
- ; Returns the parameters supplied to a CLI-run program, like
- ; Par$()...only difference is, that's all you get - the whole
- ; argument string...could be useful as an exec-size saving
- ; function if your program only takes one argument (eg a file-
- ; name, which you could use this for).
- ; Only works from compiled executables!
- Function.s GetArg{}
- *ptr = GetArgStr_()
- a$=Peek.s(*ptr)
- Function Return Left$(a$,Peek.l(&a$-4)-1)
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE - You'll have to compile this into an executable
- ;; and run it from the CLI as "<progname> blah-de-blah".
- ; Print GetArg{}
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : SetProgName { new program name }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; CLI only :(
- ; This function gives your CLI program a new DOS name.
- ; If you look in XOpa, SnoopDOS or similar, you'll see
- ; that even if you run your program named "MadeUp", it can
- ; appear in the system with another name completely.
- ; Useful if your user renames the program file.
- Function SetProgName {name$}
- If SetProgramName_ (&name$)
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; If SetProgName {"I'm a little Test Program!"}=0
- ; Request "","Failed to set new program name!","OK"
- ; Else Request "","New program name set!|Go look in XOpa or a similar program!","OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : TextMode { style }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; CLI-only :(
- ; Returns a string containing appropriate style tags, so
- ; you can print in Bold, Italic, etc in the shell. Won't
- ; work in windows, but may work with printers (at least the bold
- ; and italic (not the colours!)...
- ; These are only a few of the codes available, but the most
- ; common...
- ; Just call TextMode {} with whatever style you want...
- #ClearAndModesOff=1 ; clear shell window, all modes off
- #ModesOff=2 ; all modes off
- #Bold=3 ; bold text
- #FirstCol2=4 ; text uses colour 2 (black)
- #Italic=5 ; italic text
- #TextCol0=6 ; text colour 0
- #TextCol1=7 ; text colour 1
- #TextCol2=8 ; text colour 2
- #TextCol3=9 ; text colour 3
- #Underline=10 ; underlined text
- #BackCol0=11 ; background colour 0
- #BackCol1=12 ; background colour 1
- #BackCol2=13 ; background colour 2
- #BackCol3=14 ; background colour 3
- #Inverse=15 ; inverse mode text
- #Invisible=16 ; blue on blue invisible text
- Function$ TextMode {mode.b}
- Restore codes
- If mode<1 OR mode>16 Then Function Return ""
- For a.b=1 To mode
- Read mode$
- Next a
- mode$=Chr$(27)+"["+mode$
- Function Return mode$
- codes:
- Data$ "c","0m","1m","2m","3m","30m","31m","32m","33m","4m","40m","41m","42m","43m","7m",8m
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; for long strings, you'll have to "assemble" them on
- ;; separate lines, like this!
- ; a$=TextMode{#TextCol2}+TextMode{#Bold}
- ; a$+"Hello, I'm bold and white!"+TextMode{#ModesOff}
- ; a$+TextMode{#Italic}+"...and I'm not!"
- ; Print a$
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : Echo { text }
- ; Author : FreeJack - Free_Jack@gmx.net
- ; Size-saving replacement for print - ONLY FOR USE
- ; IN CLI PROGRAMS! You can't use this in a window!
- Statement Echo {t$}
- t$+Chr$(10)+Chr$(0)
- PutStr_ &t$
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; Echo {"Hello you."}
- ; MouseWait
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .Versions
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; These routines egenrally return various versions,
- ; like library versions, Kickstart versions, etc.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; KSVersion {}
- ; KickVersion {}
- ; WBVersion {}
- ; LibVersion { library }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : KSVersion {}
- ; Author : Andreas Falkenhahn - Andreas.Falkenhahn@gmx.de
- ; Returns version/revision number of user's Kickstart.
- ; Alternative : see KickVersion {}
- ; Update - minor bugfix - it used to try and free the
- ; memory vector after returning, so it wasn't freeing it.
- ; Also, added check for successful allocation.
- Function KSVersion {}
- *buf.b=AllocVec_(8,$10001)
- If *buf
- ver$="Kickstart"
- GetVar_ &ver$,*buf,7,0
- *tbuf.b=*buf
- FreeVec_ *buf
- Function Return Val(Peek$(*tbuf))
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; NPrint "Kickstart : ",KSVersion {}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : KickVersion {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns exec.library version, like ExecVersion.
- ; Alternative : see KSVersion {}.
- Function.w KickVersion {}
- e$="exec.library"
- *lib.Library=OpenLibrary_(&e$,33)
- If *lib
- v.w=*lib\lib_Version
- CloseLibrary_ *lib
- EndIf
- Function Return v
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; NPrint "Kickstart version : ",KickVersion{}
- ; MouseWait
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : WBVersion {}
- ; Author : Andreas Falkenhahn - Andreas.Falkenhahn@gmx.de
- ; Returns version/revision number of user's Workbench.
- Function WBVersion {}
- *buf.b=AllocVec_(8,$10001)
- ver$="Workbench"
- GetVar_ &ver$,*buf,7,0
- Function Return Val(Peek$(*buf)) ; -> version is stored in *buf
- FreeVec_ *buf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; NPrint "Workbench : ",WBVersion {}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : LibVersion { library }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns the version number of the requested library (must
- ; have full name ("example.library")).
- ; Didn't bother returning revision, since you can't use
- ; it for anything anyway (OpenLibrary_() only takes the
- ; version number)...
- ; NOTE - returns -1 if the library isn't on the user's system.
- Function.w LibVersion {lib$}
- *lib.Library=OpenLibrary_(&lib$,0)
- If *lib
- version.w=*lib\lib_Version
- Else version=-1
- EndIf
- Function Return version
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; NPrint LibVersion {"reqtools.library"}
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .Signals
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; These routines deal with sending and receiving various
- ; intuition/ARexx signals.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; SendARexx { arexx command }
- ; TimerWait { seconds, microseconds }
- ; ReceiveCtrlC {}
- ; SignalTask { taskname, signal }
- ; WaitForSignal { signal }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : SendARexx { arexx command }
- ; Author : Dave Newton
- ; Sends a given ARexx command to a given port.
- ; I'm not gonna pretend to understand ARexx fully, but
- ; as far as I'm aware, this returns either the "reply
- ; message" from the port you sent the command to,
- ; or if an error occurred, an error string.
- ; Supposedly returns even if you supply a non-existent
- ; port, so should work just nicely :)
- ; The demo is from the original source.
- Function.s SendARexx{comm$}
- *rport.MsgPort=CreateMsgPort(""):okay$="ERROR:-1"
- If *rport<>0
- *rmsg.RexxMsg=CreateRexxMsg(*rport,"","")
- If *rmsg<>0
- Forbid_ ;must forbid as rexx port could go without replying!!!!
- If FindPort_("REXX")<>0
- SendRexxCommand *rmsg,comm$,#RXCOMM|#RXFF_RESULT|#RXFF_NOIO|#RXFF_STRING
- Permit_:WaitPort_ *rport:*rmsg=GetMsg_(*rport) ;give os multitasking back as soon as possible
- If (*rmsg\rm_Result1=0)&(*rmsg\rm_Result2<>0)
- okay$=Peek$(*rmsg\rm_Result2)
- Else
- okay$="ERROR:"+Str$(*rmsg\rm_Result1)+"-"+Str$(*rmsg\rm_Result2)
- EndIf
- ClearRexxMsg *rmsg:DeleteRexxMsg *rmsg
- EndIf
- Else
- Permit_ ;give task switching back if no rexx port
- EndIf
- DeleteMsgPort *rport
- EndIf
- Function Return okay$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE : this demo checks for Multiview's port,
- ;; and sends a message to open a new file...so run
- ;; multiview first!
- ;; You should get a file requester, which loads
- ;; a file into the open copy of multiview.
- ;; If there's more than one copy of multiview running,
- ;; other copies will have names like Multiview.2, Multiview.3,
- ;; and so on.
- ; a$=SendARexx{"Address Multiview.1 OPEN"}
- ; Print a$
- ;; I don't understand the error codes - this works, but returns
- ;; a$ as "Error 0-0" !
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : TimerWait { seconds, microseconds }
- ; Author : taken from Andrea Doimo's BlitzFAQ website...
- ; - various authors contributed, so unknown...
- ; Sets up the timer.device to wait for set amount of
- ; time in seconds and microseconds (1/1,000,000 secs).
- ; So a half-second wait would be TimerWait {0,500000},
- ; 1.2 seconds would be TimerWait {1,200000}, etc.
- ; Returned values :
- ; 0 = No error
- ; 1 = Failed to open timer.device
- ; 2 = Failed to open message port
- ; 3 = Failed to create a timer request
- ; There's not much you can do if it fails, so just
- ; use ** If TimerWait {s,m}=0 Then Print "Fail" **
- ; or ** dummy.b=TimerWait {s,m} ** or whatever.
- ; I don't think much can fail though.
- Function.b TimerWait {sec.l, mic.l}
- *TimerMP.MsgPort = CreateMsgPort_()
- If *TimerMP
- *TimerIO.timerequest = CreateIORequest_ (*TimerMP,SizeOf .timerequest)
- If *TimerIO
- err = OpenDevice_ ("timer.device",#UNIT_MICROHZ,*TimerIO,0)
- If err Then Function Return 1
- *TimerIO\tr_node\io_Command = #TR_ADDREQUEST
- *TimerIO\tr_time\tv_secs = sec
- *TimerIO\tr_time\tv_micro = mic
- SendIO_ *TimerIO
- WaitPort_ *TimerMP
- Repeat
- *TimerMsg.Message = GetMsg_(*TimerMP)
- Until *TimerMsg = 0
- CloseDevice_ (*TimerIO)
- DeleteIORequest_ (*TimerIO)
- DeleteMsgPort_ (*TimerMP)
- Function Return 0
- Else
- Function Return 3
- EndIf
- Else Function Return 2
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; NPrint "Counting to five..."
- ; NPrint ""
- ; For a=1 To 5
- ;; Wait one second each time :
- ; If TimerWait {1,0}<>0 Then Request "","Failed!","OK"
- ; NPrint " ",a
- ; Next a
- ; dummy.b=TimerWait {1,0} ; pause for a second...
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ReceiveCtrlC {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Update : Thanks to David McMinn for pointing out that the
- ; CtrlC {} statement used to set this up previously was
- ; totally pointless!
- ; Captures Ctrl-C messages sent to the program from either
- ; the CLI it's run from, or other programs, such as XOpa,
- ; or Executive's Commander.
- ; Put it into all loops you want to break.
- Function ReceiveCtrlC {}
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; FindScreen 0
- ; Window 0,0,0,640,100,$140f,"Hit close gadget or send a Ctrl-C to quit...",1,2
- ; Repeat
- ; If ReceiveCtrlC {} Then Request "","Ctrl-C received!","END":End
- ; VWait
- ; Until Event=$200
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : SignalTask { taskname, signal }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Sends a command (eg. CTRL-C) to a program, returning -1 (True)
- ; if it sent the signal (NOTE that this doesn't necessarily mean
- ; the program did as it was told - not all programs support
- ; Ctrl-C messages, etc). Returns 0 (False) if it couldn't find
- ; the program.
- ; You should note that the taskname is CASE-SENSITIVE (not my
- ; choice ;) and that it can change depending on whether it
- ; was run from the shell or from Workbench...and stuff...
- ; Possible signals you can send :
- ; #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C (4096) - quit program
- ; #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_D (8192) - disable program (sleep)
- ; #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E (16384) - enable program (wake up)
- ; #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F (32768) - um...can't remember...
- ; NOTE : Signals have different effects depending on the
- ; receiving program's interpretation, but these are the general
- ; conventions.
- Function.b SignalTask {task$,sig.l}
- *task.Task=FindTask_(&task$)
- If *task
- Signal_ *task,sig
- Function Return -1
- Else Function Return 0
- EndIf
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE : depending on your setup, your copy may have
- ;; "MultiView" in different casing, eg "multiview" - adjust
- ;; accordingly!
- ; t$="MultiView"
- ; If SignalTask{t$,#SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C}
- ; Request "","Signalled "+t$+"!","OK"
- ; Else Request "","Can't find "+t$+"!","OK"
- ; EndIf
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : WaitForSignal { signal }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Puts your program to sleep, using 0% CPU time, until the user
- ; sends the message you've asked for (eg Ctrl C).
- ; NOTE that this can leave your user unable to continue
- ; your program if they don't have a tool to send the
- ; command, so best used from CLI (eg. Print "Press Ctrl-C" or
- ; whatever before calling the statement), but may be useful
- ; in other situations.
- ; Run the demo and press Ctrl and C together, or send a
- ; Ctrl C (BREAK) signal from a program like XOpa, ARTM,
- ; Commander, etc...
- ; Possible signals are listed below :
- Statement WaitForSignal {sig.l}
- SetSignal_ 0,sig ; clear previous occurrences (sp?!)
- Wait_ sig
- End Statement
- ; demo
- ; WaitForSignal {#SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C}
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- .Misc
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; These routines didn't really fit anywhere else.
- ; A lot of them deal with information about the currently
- ; running program (ie your program!) though.
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Current routines :
- ; ProgsDir {}
- ; ProgsName {}
- ; SetPriority { priority }
- ; Language {}
- ; StupidRequest { title, body text }
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ProgsDir {}
- ; Author : Nick Clover - nick@bauk.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns a string with the program's directory.
- ; IMPORTANT! Only works with compiled executables,as
- ; Compiling & Running doesn't use a directory (obviously ;)
- ; **** REPLACEMENT by Nick Clover ****
- ; Now returns program directory when run from WB as well!
- ; Cool :)
- ; UPDATE - renamed to ProgsDir, to keep in line with ProgsName,
- ; because ProgDir is a Blitz Support Suite command.
- Function.s ProgsDir{}
- MaxLen path$=200
- NameFromLock_ GetProgramDir_(),&path$,200
- path$=Peek$(&path$)
- If Right$(path$,1)<>":" AND Right$(path$,1)<>"/"
- path$+"/"
- EndIf
- If path$="SYS:" Then path$="I only work when compiled!"
- Function Return path$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; note that this returns a name only from executables!
- ;; you'll just get a blank string if you run it from Blitz!
- ; Request "","Path : "+ProgsDir{},"OK"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : ProgsName {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; UPDATED by Nick Clover - nick@bauk.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Now works when run from WB as well! Means your user can
- ; rename the program if they wish and you can still find
- ; your icon's tooltypes or whatever :)
- ; UPDATED - Curt Esser reported that the name clashes
- ; with a command in the Blitz Support Suite.
- ; Now ProgsName instead of ProgName.
- ; Returns a string with the program's DOS name, handy when used
- ; with ProgsDir{} (eg. progpath$=ProgsDir{}+ProgsName{} )...
- Function.s ProgsName{}
- If FromCLI=-1
- *stringbuffer = AllocMem_(255, 0)
- suc.l=GetProgramName_(*stringbuffer,255)
- If suc
- pname$=Peek$(*stringbuffer)
- EndIf
- FreeMem_ *stringbuffer,255
- Else pname$=Peek$(Peek.l(FindTask_(0)+$B0)+4)
- EndIf
- If pname$="" Then pname$="I only work when compiled!"
- Function Return pname$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; note that this returns a name only from executables!
- ; a$=ProgsName{}
- ; Request "","Program name : "+a$,"OK"
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function : SetPriority { priority }
- ; Author : Peter Thor - email?
- ; priority check added by JLB
- ; Sets the priority of your program to whatever you want.
- ; Negative numbers mean higher priority (roughly : more CPU
- ; time). Priority can be from -127 to +127. Positive numbers
- ; mean higher priority. It's recommended that most programs
- ; shouldn't use higher than 5-10 as far as I remember, but
- ; as long as you know what you're doing, you can crank it
- ; up to whatever you want (up to 127!), or make it low if
- ; it doesn't need much CPU time).
- ; Returns value of priority before function was called, so
- ; you just call SetPriority {returned value} to put it
- ; back how it was.
- ; Couldn't really decide how to return a failure, so just
- ; returns 0, which is still a valid value! Adjust it to suit
- ; your needs!
- Function.w SetPriority{newpriority.w}
- If newpriority<-127 OR newpriority>127 Then Function Return 0
- Forbid_ ;lock system to check for task
- *task.l=FindTask_(*crap.l) ;*crap.l is only a NULL-Pointer
- ;this way the task of the program itself
- ;is returned
- ; set the new priority:
- oldpriority.w=SetTaskPri_(*task,newpriority.w)
- Permit_ ;and return the system
- Function Return oldpriority.w
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ;; NOTE : Use XOpa or similar program to see priority. If you're
- ;; running from Blitz, it'll be the "Blitz ][ Program Proc" you're
- ;; looking for. With most of these type of programs, you'll have
- ;; to update the task list to see the change.
- ;; I use Executive, which I think modifies the priority you
- ;; set, so I sometimes get some weird number listed, but it
- ;; basically works!
- ; Repeat
- ; Print "Priority (-127 to 127), 1000 to end : "
- ; a.w=Edit(4)
- ; If a=1000 Then End
- ; oldpri.w=SetPriority {a}
- ; NPrint "The old priority was : ",oldpri
- ; NPrint ""
- ; Forever
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Function - Language {}
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; Returns a string containing the user's default
- ; language as set in their Locale preferences.
- ; Should still work (well, fail safely!) on <OS2.0
- ; because it checks for the locale.library before
- ; calling OpenLocale_ (). Mail me if you've tried it!
- ; Useful for custom locale setups, eg. ascii files
- ; full of strings for each language. If the file for
- ; the language returned by this function exists, use
- ; it, and if not (or if you get an empty ("") string
- ; returned), just give your user a default language.
- ; Saves the hassle of proper locale setups, and
- ; should work just as well ;)
- Function$ Language {}
- l$="locale.library"
- *loclib=OpenLibrary_ (&l$,0)
- If *loclib
- *locale.Locale=OpenLocale_(0)
- If *locale
- country$=Peek$(*locale\loc_LanguageName)
- CloseLocale_ *locale
- EndIf
- CloseLibrary_ *loclib
- EndIf
- If country$
- country$=Left$(country$,Len(country$)-9)
- EndIf
- Function Return country$
- End Function
- ; demo :
- ; NPrint ""
- ; a$=Language {}
- ; If a$
- ; NPrint "User's Workbench uses ",a$," locale."
- ; Else NPrint "Can't find locale settings, using english!"
- ; EndIf
- ; MouseWait:End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Statement : StupidRequest { title, body text }
- ; Author : James L Boyd - jamesboyd@all-hail.freeserve.co.uk
- ; This statement is probably useless for most people, but
- ; we used it in BeatBox2 to generate 'amusing' error requesters
- ; when people make mistakes - you supply the title and error text,
- ; and this just adds an incredibly, side-splittingly funny
- ; gadget (maybe not... ;)
- ; You can easily replace all the strings, but make sure you
- ; adjust the number of strings used in the first Data
- ; statement.
- ; As I said, nothing special, but it's just a little idea
- ; to make things (slightly) more interesting by making things
- ; a little random...
- Statement StupidRequest {title$,body$}
- Restore stupidstrings
- Read t
- r=Int(Rnd*t)+1
- For a=1 To r
- Read stupid$
- Next a
- If body$="" OR stupid$="" Then Statement Return
- Request title$,body$,stupid$
- Statement Return
- stupidstrings:
- Data 26 ; number of strings - ADJUST if you add/remove strings!
- Data$ "Doh!","Oh,OK...","It's a wonder I'm still breathing!","Gotcha!","I see...","Hmm...makes sense!","Oh,great!"
- Data$ "Oh,yeah...","Ahh!","Oh,I get it now!","It's all so obvious now!","Oh,right...","Sorry,I'm stupid!","You lousy *#@$!"
- Data$ "I'm learning!","Ooh...","AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!","Grrr...","Where's the 'Any' key?","I'm lost...","'Easy' indeed..."
- Data$ "My other computer's a PC!","NOOOOoooooo.....","Just testing!","I should be using Windows...","I'm a Mac user..."
- End Statement
- ; demo :
- ; StupidRequest{"My Program","You've made a big mistake!"}
- ; End
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- Request "statements&functions.bb2","You can't just run this!","Oh..."
- End ; just in case ;)